Chord Gitar Lagu Johnny’s Ghost Oleh Captain Tractor

Lagu Johnny’s Ghost yang dinyanyiin oleh Captain Tractor bisa jadi salah satu lagu yang disukai teman-teman. Selain menikmati musiknya, sobat juga bisa memainkan lagu tsb pakai gitar.

Perlu diketahui buat pemula, syarat jitu memainkan sebuah lagu dengan gitar yaitu tahu kunci chord gitarnya.

Kalau teman-teman lagi mencari kunci chord gitar untuk lagu “Johnny’s Ghost”, kamu sudah ada di website yang pas. Dengan kunci chord gitar ini, kamu dapat mainin musik ini menggunakan gitar yang tersedia.

Chord lagu Johnny’s Ghost punya nada dan masuk dalam album “”.

Chord Gitar Johnny’s Ghost oleh Captain Tractor

Well, there were gu[Em]ns and drums and drums and guns, h[G]aroo, haroo!
There were gu[Em]ns and drums and drums and guns, har[G]oo, har[D]oo!
There was K[G]athy there alo[D]ne, I fear,
When her br[C]other went out to s[Em]lay ya.
[G]Darlin’ de[D]ar, you lo[C]ok so qu[D]eer, for J[Em]ohnny we hardly knew ya.

On the fi[Em]rst of March, he took his gun, h[G]aroo, haroo!
On the fi[Em]rst of March, he tracked ya down, har[G]oo, har[D]oo!
He fi[G]red the shot, ya b[D]it the dust,
Poor K[C]athy she cried a v[Em]ictim of lust.
[G]Darlin’ d[D]ear, you l[C]ook so qu[D]eer, for K[Em]athy she hardly knew ya.

Well, h[Em]ey there Johnny, now how ya been?
I se[D]en ya hangin’ ‘round.
You’re l[Am]ookin’ mighty pale,
And then your e[Em]yes cast on the ground.
Well, h[Em]ey there Johnny, h[D]ow ya been?
I he[C]ard a young man b[Em]oast.
He sh[Em]ot ya down one m[C]ornin’,
And yo[C]ur now J[D]ohnny’s g[Em]host.

Well, h[Em]ey there, Johnny, we loved ya, boy,
But y[D]ou’ve been playin’ ‘round.
You b[Am]rought the wrath of the husbands,
The wi[Em]ves you spun around.
Well, h[Em]ey there, Johnny, you w[D]eren’t so bad,
Could m[C]ake you into t[Em]wo.
To da[Em]nce a jig with J[C]ohnny,
That’s a[C]ll they a[D]sked of y[Em]ou.

[G]Tooraloora Tooralai,
You b[D]rought the husbands scorn.

You had the lovers over night
And d[Em]isappeared at dawn.
[C]Tooraloora T[G]ooralai,
A drink and here’s a t[D]oast:
[G]Here’s to drunken I[C]rishmen,
And h[C]ere’s to J[D]ohnny’s g[Em]host.

Well, h[Em]ey there, Johnny, your momma cried,
I he[D]ar your messin’ ‘round.
You le[Am]ft poor Kathy pregnant,
And r[Em]an for higher ground.
Now K[Em]athy’s older br[D]other got
The fi[C]rst gun he could f[Em]ind.
He tra[Em]cked ya down one mo[C]rnin’
With mu[C]rder [D]on his m[Em]ind.

[G]Tooraloora Tooralai,
Oh, Ka[D]thy, she did mourn.
She’s screamin’ for ya, Johnny,
The ba[Em]bes ‘bout to be born.
Too[C]raloora T[G]ooralai,
A drink and here’s a to[D]ast:
He[G]re’s to drunken I[C]rishmen,
And h[C]ere’s to J[D]ohnny’s gh[Em]ost.

Baca juga:  Chord Gitar Lagu Tình chỉ đẹp Oleh Huỳnh Anh

[Em] [Em] [Em] [C] [D] [Em] [Em] [C] [Em] [C][D]
[Em] [D] [Am] [Em] [Em] [D] [C] [Em] [Em][C][C][D][Em]
[G]Tooraloora Tooralai,
Oh, Ka[D]thy, she did mourn.
She’s screamin’ for ya, Johnny,
The ba[Em]bes ‘bout to be born.
Too[C]raloora T[G]ooralai,
A drink and here’s a to[D]ast:
He[G]re’s to drunken I[C]rishmen,
And h[C]ere’s to J[D]ohnny’s gh[Em]ost.

Well, it was early that mornin’
When Kathy’s brother stepped in the street.
Johnny just stood there waiting,
Starin’ at his feet.
Then in his mind he said a prayer,
Cried Kathleen as he fell,
And the message on his tombstone reads,
“He took that bullet well.”

[G]Tooraloora Tooralai,
I’d [D]sooner hear the sound,

And here’s to Kathy’s brother,
Who p[Em]ut ya in the ground.
T[C]ooraloora To[G]oralai,
A drink and here’s a t[D]oast:
He[G]re’s to drunken [C]Irishmen,
And h[C]ere’s to J[D]ohnny’s g[Em]host.

H[G]ere’s to drunken [C]Irishmen,
And h[C]ere’s to J[D]ohnny’s g[Em]host.

Apabila teman-teman ingin mempelajari lagunya Captain Tractor, termasuk chord gitar Johnny’s Ghost, kamu bisa belajar dengan mengikuti kursus, masuk sekolah musik, datengin guru untuk les privat bahkan dapat juga dengan cara otodidak.
Untuk dasarnya kamu bisa mempelajari C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Nah setelah dapat menggunakan kunci major maka untuk menggunakan kunci minor hanya butuh modifikasi sedikit saja.

Ingatlah untuk selalu berlatih mainin chord gitar lagu Johnny’s Ghost. Awal-awal mungkin susah, semoga setelah terbiasa musik tsb, nanti teman-teman dapat menguasai semua lagu dari Captain Tractor.

Btw, di halaman ini, sobat juga bisa mendapatkan chord lain, seperti chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dsb.

Bila kamu mau mempelajari kunci chord gitar lagu lain, silahkan klik menu pencarian yang ada di situs ini. Semoga bermanfaat …

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