Chord Gitar Lagu Driftin’ Back Oleh Neil Young

Lagu Driftin’ Back yang dinyanyiin oleh Neil Young bisa jadi salah satu lagu favorit kamu. Selain dengerin lagunya, sobat juga dapat memainkan lagu tsb menggunakan gitar.

Penting diketahui untuk para pemula, syarat jitu memainkan sebuah lagu pakai gitar ialah mengetahui kunci chord gitarnya.

Seandainya sobat sedang nyariin kunci chord gitar untuk lagu “Driftin’ Back”, sobat sudah ada di website yang benar. Dengan kunci chord gitar ini, kamu bisa memainkan lagu ini menggunakan gitar yang teman-teman miliki.

Chord lagu Driftin’ Back punya irama dan masuk kedalam album “Psychedelic Pill (2012)”.

Chord Gitar Driftin’ Back oleh Neil Young

[Intro] (x4)
[A] [Em]
[A]Hey now now, [Em]hey now now. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back
[A]Hey now now, [Em]hey now now. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back[Em]

[Em]Dreaming about the [C]way things [Em]sound n[C]ow. [Em]Write about them [C]in my [Em]book[C]
[Em]Worry that y[C]ou can’t [Em]hear me n[C]ow and f[Em]eel the t[C]ime I t[Em]ook[Em]
To [Esus4]help you f[C]eel this [Esus4]feeling.[C] [Esus4]Let you r[C]ide a[Esus4]long[C]
[Esus4]Dreaming about the [C]way you [Esus4]feel now.[C] [Esus4]When you h[C]ear my [Esus4]song[A][Em]

[A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back

[Solo] (x7)
[A] [Em]
[A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back[Em]

[Em]In my m[C]edita[Em]tion[C] I b[Em]lock out a[C]ll my [Em]thoughts[C]
[Em]When they come [C]back I [Em]push them o[C]ut like [Em]Jesus h[C]ad a [Em]rock[Em]
[Esus4]They pushed in [C]front of this[Esus4] cave [C]now. [Esus4]They rolled a[C]cross the [Esus4]ground[C]
[Esus4]Hey n[C]ow now, [Esus4]hey now n[C]ow they [Esus4]rolled ac[C]ross the [Esus4]ground[Esus4]

[A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back

[Solo] (x47)
[A] [Em]
[A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back
[A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back[Em]

[Em]Here’s how I [C]got my ma[Em]ntra.[C] G[Em]ave them thi[C]rty five b[Em]ucks now[C]
[Em]Gave it to the [C]Mahari[Em]shi.[C] It w[Em]ent to the o[C]rgani[Em]sation[Em]
[Esus4]Excuse [C]my rel[Esus4]igion.[C] D[Esus4]reaming ‘bout the w[C]ay things [Esus4]feel now[C]
[Esus4]Write it [C]in my [Esus4]book. [C] Bl[Esus4]ocking out a[C]ll the th[Esus4]oughts now[Esus4]

[A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back

[Solo] (x60)
[A] [Em]
[A]Hey now now, [Em]hey now now. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back
[A]Hey now now, [Em]hey now now. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [Em]

[Em]I used to [C]dig Pi[Em]casso[C]. [Em]I used to [C]dig Pi[Em]casso[C]
[Em]Hey [C]now now, [Em]hey now n[C]ow [Em]I used to d[C]ig Pi[Em]casso[Em]
[Esus4]Then the big [C]tech giant [Esus4]came alo[C]ng [Esus4]and turned him in[C]to wa[Esus4]llpaper[C]
[Esus4]Hey no[C]w now, [Esus4]hey now n[C]ow [Esus4]I used to d[C]ig Pi[Esus4]casso[Esus4]

Baca juga:  Chord Gitar Lagu Are You Ready for the Country? Oleh Neil Young

[A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back

[Solo] (x92)
[A] [Em]
[A]Don’t want my[Em] mp3. [A]Don’t want my[Em] mp3. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back
[A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back[Em]

[Em]When you [C]hear my [Em]song now[C]. You [Em]only get f[C]ive perc[Em]ent[C]
You [Em]used to [C]get it a[Em]ll. [C] You [Em]used to g[C]et it a[Em]ll[Em]
[Esus4]Blocking o[C]ut my [Esus4]anger. [C] [Esus4]Blocking o[C]ut my t[Esus4]houghts[C]
[Esus4]Blocking o[C]ut my [Esus4]anger n[C]ow [Esus4]Blocking o[C]ut my [Esus4]thoughts[Esus4]

[A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back

[Solo] (x68)
[A] [Em]
[A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back
[A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back[Em]

[Em]Gonna get me a [C]hip hop [Em]haircut[C]. [Em]Gonna get a h[C]ip hop [Em]haircut[C]
[Em]Gonna get a h[C]ip hop [Em]haircut[C]. [Em]Hey n[C]ow now, [Em]hey now now[Em]
[Esus4]Hey no[C]w now, [Esus4]hey now n[C]ow [Esus4]Blocking o[C]ut my [Esus4]anger[C]
[Esus4]Finding [C]my re[Esus4]ligion [C] I[Esus4] might [C]be a [Esus4]Pagan[Esus4]

[A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back. [A]I’m driftin’ [Em]back

[Em](fa[Em]de [Em]and[Em] en[Em]d w[Em]ith[Em] Em[Em] variations)

Apabila teman-teman ingin belajar lagunya Neil Young, termasuk chord gitar Driftin’ Back, kamu dapat belajar dengan melalui kursus, masuk sekolah musik, datengin guru untuk les privat bahkan bisa juga dengan cara otodidak.
Untuk dasarnya kamu bisa mempelajari C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Nah setelah menguasai kunci major maka untuk memainkan kunci minor hanya perlu penyesuaian sedikit saja.

Jangan lupa terus berlatih memainkan chord gitar lagu Driftin’ Back. Awal-awal mungkin sulit, diharapkan setelah sering memainkan musik tsb, nanti kamu dapat menaklukan semua lagu dari Neil Young.

Fyi, di tempat ini, kamu juga bisa mendapatkan chord lain, misalnya chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dsb.

Apabila kamu kepengen belajar kunci chord gitar lagu lain, silahkan pakai menu pencarian yang ada di tempat ini. Semoga membantu …

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