Chord Gitar Lagu Bless This Mess Oleh David Bazan

Lagu Bless This Mess yang dibawakan oleh David Bazan bisa jadi salah satu lagu kesukaan sobat. Selain dengerin lagunya, teman-teman juga bisa memainkan lagu tsb dengan gitar.

Penting diketahui buat pemula, syarat jitu memainkan sebuah lagu dengan gitar yakni mengetahui kunci chord gitarnya.

Apabila teman-teman sedang nyariin kunci chord gitar untuk lagu “Bless This Mess”, kamu berada di tempat yang pas. Dengan kunci chord gitar ini, kamu bisa memainkan musik ini menggunakan gitar yang tersedia.

Chord lagu Bless This Mess punya ritme dan termasuk dalam album “Curse Your Branches (2009)”.

Chord Gitar Bless This Mess oleh David Bazan

Thanks to “gweetster” for posting “weeds in the wheat” or i might never have
gotten around to this.
This is the same song with a few corrections here and there to the chords and
chord placement. I’ve also included the intro… enjoy.

Keep in mind all chords are in barre form in this song. Like gweetster, i have
included the fret locations where they may be needed.

David Bazan
Bless This Mess

[A#] [-] [A#7] [G#/G]
[G]God bless the man[G7] who stumbles[F]
[G]God bless the man[G7] who falls[F]
C(8th fret) C7 F G G7 F
God bless the man who yields to temptation

God bless the woman who suffers
God bless the woman who weeps
God bless the children trying her patience

Bb(6th fret) G# F#
Trouble getting over it is what you?re in for
So pou[G#]r yourself another
Bb(6th fret) G# Eb(11th fret) C#(9th fret) C/C#
?Cause it?ll take a steady pair of hands

Holy or unholy ghost
Well now I can?t tell
But either way you cut it
You should get some distance if you plan
To take a stand

[G]God bless the hou[G7]se divided[F]
[G]God bless the wee[G7]d in the wheat[F]
C(8th fret) C7 F G G7 G Bm
God bless the lamp lit under a bushel

Em(7th fret) A Dm G
I discovered hell to be the poison in the well
So I tr[Cm]ied to warn the others of t[F]he curse[G7][G]
Em(7th fret) A
But then my body turned on me
I d[Dm]reamt that for eternity [G]my family would bur[Cm]n[F]
Then I awoke, [Bb]with a wicked thirst[D]

Baca juga:  Chord Gitar Lagu The Place You Love Oleh Have Mercy

Verse Chords with woah woahs

[Bb]By my baby?s yellow bed[G#] I kissed her forehe[F#]ad
And rubbed[G#] her little tummy
Bb G# Eb(11th fret)
Wondering if she?d soon despise the smell
Of the booze on my breat[C#]h, like her mom[C#/C][Bb]
Through a darkened mirror I have seen[G#] my own reflection[F#][G#]
And it makes[Bb] me want to be a better man[G#]
D#(11th fret) D(10th fret)
After another drink

God bless the man at the crossroads
God bless the woman who still can?t sleep
God bless the history that doesn?t repeat

Seandainya teman-teman mau mempelajari lagunya David Bazan, termasuk chord gitar Bless This Mess, sobat dapat belajar dengan mengikuti kursus, masuk sekolah musik, ikutan les privat bahkan dapat juga dengan cara otodidak.
Untuk dasarnya teman-teman bisa belajar C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Nah setelah paham kunci major maka untuk memainkan kunci minor hanya diperlukan modif sedikit saja.

Ingatlah untuk selalu berlatih memainkan chord gitar lagu Bless This Mess. Awal-awal mungkin tidak mudah, diharapkan setelah sering memainkan musik tsb, kedepannya kamu dapat menguasai lagu-lagu dari David Bazan.

Oh ya, di laman ini, teman-teman juga bisa dapetin chord lain, seperti chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dsb.

Seandainya sobat pengen mempelajari kunci chord gitar lagu lain, silahkan gunakan tombol pencarian yang ada di laman ini. Semoga bermanfaat …

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