Chord Gitar Lagu Going Down Town Tonight Oleh Status Quo

Lagu Going Down Town Tonight yang dinyanyiin oleh Status Quo mungkin salah satu lagu kesukaan teman-teman. Selain dengerin lagunya, sobat juga bisa memainkan lagu tsb pakai gitar.

Penting dipahami bagi pemula, syarat sukses memainkan sebuah lagu dengan gitar ialah paham kunci chord gitarnya.

Seandainya kamu sedang mencari kunci chord gitar untuk lagu “Going Down Town Tonight”, sobat sudah ada di halaman yang tepat. Dengan kunci chord gitar ini, teman-teman bisa memainkan lagu ini pake gitar yang sobat suka.

Chord lagu Going Down Town Tonight memiliki irama dan masuk dalam album “Other Songs”.

Chord Gitar Going Down Town Tonight oleh Status Quo

Back to Back 1983

There are two versions of this kicking about.
This is the album version.
(The single version is recorded about a semitone higher)

|C| |C| |C| |C|

[C]I’m going down town tonight, I’m gonna find myself a d[F]ream[C]
I’m gonna dress up right, and be the best they’ve ever s[F]een
You can t[Dm]ell from their e[Am]yes, you can t[Dm]ell from their e[Am]yes
That they’re ne[G]ver im[C]pressed, that they’re ne[G]ver im[C]pressed
From the [Dm]way they walk r[Am]ound, from the [Dm]way they walk r[Am]ound
They are u[G]sed to the b[C]est, they are u[G]sed to the b[C]est

[C]Going down town tonight[Am], going down town tonight[C]
Going down town tonight[Am], going down town tonight[G]

Why let them break you in with self-sophisticated praise
‘cos when the cards are low you see the smile come on their face
If you speak the right words, if you speak the right words
They will hear what you say, they will hear what you say
They will take your attention, just take your attention
And then turn away, and then turn away

Going down town tonight, going down town tonight
Going down town tonight, going down town tonight

[G]Just one thing before you go my l[C]adies of the night
[G]Just one thing I have to say I’ve g[F]ot you, and you’re
[G]Confident and debonair you m[C]ove between the stars
[G]Hungry for those staring eyes that f[F]ill your waking h[C]ours

Baca juga:  Chord Gitar Lagu Brian and Robert Oleh Phish

Going down town tonight, going down town tonight
Going down town tonight, going down town tonight
Going down town tonight, going down town tonight

Your face is all run dry with all the echoes of the night
And so I’m home alone, I wash my head and hold on tight
If you speak the right words, if you speak the right words
They will hear what you say, they will hear what you say
They will take your attention, just take your attention
And then turn away, and then turn away

Going down town tonight, going down town tonight
Going down town tonight, going down town tonight
Going down town tonight, going down town tonight
Going down town tonight, going down town tonight
Going down town tonight, going down town tonight

Pretty much it…

Jika teman-teman mau belajar lagunya Status Quo, termasuk chord gitar Going Down Town Tonight, teman-teman dapat belajar dengan mengikuti kursus, masuk sekolah musik, ikut les privat bahkan dapat juga dengan cara otodidak.
Untuk dasarnya sobat bisa mempelajari C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Nah setelah dapat memainkan kunci major maka untuk menggunakan kunci minor hanya diperlukan modif sedikit saja.

Ingatlah untuk terus latihan mainin chord gitar lagu Going Down Town Tonight. Pada awalnya mungkin susah, semoga setelah sering memainkan lagu tsb, kedepannya kamu dapat menguasai lagu-lagu dari Status Quo.

Fyi, di website ini, sobat juga bisa mendapatkan chord lain, seperti chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dsb.

Jikalau sobat pingin belajar kunci chord gitar lagu lain, silahkan pakai tombol search yang ada di tempat ini. Semoga bermanfaat …

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