Chord Gitar Lagu Linda Lovelace Oleh David Allan Coe

Lagu Linda Lovelace yang dinyanyiin oleh David Allan Coe mungkin salah satu lagu yang disukai sobat. Selain menikmati lagunya, teman-teman juga bisa memainkan lagu tsb dengan gitar.

Harus dipahami untuk newbie, syarat sukses memainkan sebuah lagu pakai gitar ialah mengetahui kunci chord gitarnya.

Apabila sobat sedang nyariin kunci chord gitar untuk musik “Linda Lovelace”, sobat berada di situs yang sesuai. Dengan kunci chord gitar ini, sobat bisa mainin lagu ini pake gitar yang sobat suka.

Chord lagu Linda Lovelace mempunyai nada dan masuk dalam album “Underground Album”.

Chord Gitar Linda Lovelace oleh David Allan Coe

Well you can [G]talk about your lovers and your backdoor pimps
You can [C]talk about your Hollywood fags
If [D]you wanna know the baddest mker in the world
Then Im the greatest lover al[G]ive.

[G]Jackie Onassis was a snuff queen for me
Be[C]fore she ever got rich
And [D]it would take the average man a day and a half
Just to satisfy that [G]bh.

Why the [G]Queen of England gave me the key
To the [C]whole damn country of France
And [D]it only took me fifteen minutes
To get into her [G]pants.

Well I [G]fked em all from coast to coast
Cause [C]honey that my bag
In [D]fact Im the only man in the whole world
That could make Linda Lovelace [G]gag.

[G] [C]
[Dumm] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum][dum][dum]
[G] [D]
[Dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum]
[G] [C]
[Dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum][dum][dum]
Dum [G]dum dum [D]dum dum dum [G]dum.

Now it [G]aint that my dick so God damn big
Its [C]just I know how to use it
And [D]Ill never let some nickel-dime we
Ever get the chance to [G]abuse it.

They can [G]suck it for hours and hours on end
But [C]Ill still be in control
And [D]I wont cum till I wanna cum
Cause thats my jelly[G]roll.

Now [G]there aint no woman no match for me
Ive [C]had em try to wear me down
Ive [D]fked them barmaids and bank clerks
I even fked a circus [G]clown.

[G]Teachers and lawyers, doctors
And Lord them [C]fat women sure are a drag
I [D]tell ya Im the only mker in the world
That can make Linda Lovelace [G]gag.

[G] [C] [G] [D] [G] [C] [G] [D] [G]
Why Old [G]Hairy Reams fell apart at the seams
When he [C]saw me fk that we
She [D]sucked my dick swallowed my nuts
And I still hollered for [G]more.

Baca juga:  Chord Gitar Lagu Sắc màu tình yêu Oleh

She [G]sucked my ae she sucked my toes
Shes the [C]suckinest bh alive
Well [D]I made her call up two more cunts
And friend that aint no ji[G]ve.

[G]She dont give me know st
About [C]bein some big time lover
Some [D]movie star with a jag
Cause you aint st if you cant get Linda Lovelace [G]gag.

[G]I dont talk about bein no full time lover
Cause [C]mister thats my bag
[D]Im the only mker in the damn world
That can make Linda Lovelace [G]gag.

[G] [C]
[Dumm] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum][dum][dum]
[G] [D]
[Dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum]
[G] [C]
[Dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum] [dum][dum][dum]
Dum [G]dum dum [D]dum dum dum [G]dum.

Take it boys.

[G] [C] [G] [D] [G] [C] [G] [D] [G]

Apabila teman-teman kepingin belajar lagunya David Allan Coe, termasuk chord gitar Linda Lovelace, teman-teman bisa belajar dengan melalui kursus, masuk sekolah musik, datengin guru untuk les privat bahkan dapat juga dengan cara belajar sendiri.
Untuk dasarnya teman-teman bisa mempelajari C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Nah setelah paham kunci major maka untuk menggunakan kunci minor hanya dibutuhkan penyesuaian sedikit saja.

Ingatlah untuk selalu berlatih memainkan chord gitar lagu Linda Lovelace. Awal-awal mungkin susah, diharapkan setelah sering memainkan musik tsb, kedepannya sobat dapat menguasai lagu-lagu dari David Allan Coe.

Oh ya, di halaman ini, kamu juga bisa dapetin chord lain, seperti chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dsb.

Apabila teman-teman kepengen belajar kunci chord gitar lagu lain, silahkan klik tombol pencarian yang tersedia di laman ini. Semoga bermanfaat …

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