Chord Gitar Lagu Too Uptight Oleh Graham Coxon

Lagu Too Uptight yang dinyanyiin oleh Graham Coxon bisa jadi salah satu lagu favorit sobat. Selain menikmati musiknya, teman-teman juga bisa memainkan lagu tsb pakai gitar.

Penting dipahami untuk para pemula, syarat jitu memainkan sebuah lagu pakai gitar adalah mengetahui kunci chord gitarnya.

Apabila kamu sedang mencari kunci chord gitar untuk lagu “Too Uptight”, teman-teman berada di laman yang pas. Dengan kunci chord gitar ini, teman-teman dapat mainin musik ini pake gitar yang tersedia.

Chord lagu Too Uptight punya nada dan masuk kedalam album “Crow Sit on Blood Tree (2001)”.

Chord Gitar Too Uptight oleh Graham Coxon

tabbed by Morgan Choax
24 MY 2002

A very ill-bient song…
Time signature is a kind of fast 6/8. I’ll take one measure for 4 arpeggios of 6 notes each.
The tuning is traditionnal.

Chords you need to know: (@ stands for 10)

(0) (3) 0 0 0 @ (2) (2) 0 (0) (0) (0) x x
2 0 0 7 @ @ 3 3 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 7 @ @ 4 4 4 1 0 2 0 0
2 0 4 0 0 0 4 4 4 2 2 2 0 3
0 (2) 4 x x x 2 0 x (2) (2) 0 x x
x 3 2 x x x x x 0 0 0 x 3 1
A7 G F#op Dadd9 Dmadd9 Dm Bm Bm/A Esus2 E Em Am Gsus4 Fsus2

Notes in brackets are not played in the song. So if you feel lazy to finger the whole chords, just don’t…

Intro & main riff:


A7 G F#op A7 G F#op

The first bar gives you the main riff. The end of the second intro measure shows a small variation on the last arpeggio.

First verse:
“Once there was nothing”
Just repeat 4 times the riff measure. (And don’t forget to drown your voice in a fat echo effect.)

Repeat three times the following measure:

|--7---7@--@---7---7-@---@-| s slide from 7 to 10

[Dadd9] [Dmadd9] [Dadd9] [Dm]

“I was too uptight…”


[Bm] [Bm/A] [GM7] [Esus2] [E]

Graham plays here a very interesting trick with a doubled B (4 on G-string + open B-string).
You’ll find the same kind of plan in Where’d You Go: there B is not dubbed but seconded by a Bb, which creates an amazing discord.

Back to second verse:
Play twice the main riff (without lyrics), then comes verse 2.

Second verse:
“Now disappointment shadows…”
Exactly the same as the first verse (excepted the words, of course.)

Second bridge:
It’s basically the same plan as the first bridge. On the second measure, Graham introduces a slight variation:

|--7---7@--@-@-7---7-@---@-| s slide from 7 to 10

[Dadd9] [Dmadd9] [Dadd9] [Dm]

Second chorus:
It isn’t exactly similar to the first chorus. In the second measure, the double B’s (4 on G-string and open B-string) are change into B’s and F#’s (4 on D-string and open B-string).


[Bm] [Bm/A] [GM7] [Esus2] [E]

Back to the third verse:
Once again, play twice an instrumental main riff.

Third verse:
“A slow and (?) breakdown”
Exactly the same as the first and second verses.

Third bridge:
There’s a slight change on the first measure:

|--+---7@--@---77--7-@---@-| s slide from 7 to 10

[Dadd9] [Dmadd9] [Dadd9] [Dm]
The 7 replaced by a + doesn’t sound anymore in this third bridge (on all measures).

Third chorus:
There’s a small change in the way Graham plays his arpeggios in the first measure. In the second measure, we’re back to the 4’s on G-string (double B’s).

|---4--4--4--4--44-4--44-4-|---44-4--44-4--4--01-1-1--| This string seems to sound accidentaly.
|--4--------4--4-----4-----|--4-----4-----4-4---2---2-| No problem with the harmony.

[Bm] [Bm/A] [GM7] [Esus2] [E]

Baca juga:  Chord Gitar Lagu Kids Oleh Kylie Minogue

Middle instrumental:
What on earth is that instrument playing? A kind of chorused piano? If you have any idea, please let me know.

|--2---0-2---2-0---0-3---3-|--2--2--2--2--2--2--2--2--| Use thumb for bass note on Fsus2.

[Em] [Am] [Gsus4] [Fsus2] [Em] [E]


[Em] [Am] [Gsus4] [Fsus2] [Em] [E]

Back to fourth verse:
Play twice the main riff.

Fourth verse:
Same as the first three verses. On the third measure, a note changes but I guess it’s accidental.

|----------... I only note this for perfectionist fans who really want
|----------... to play the song note for note. But this mistake is also
|---000---0... interesting because it shows us that Graham uses three
|--2---0-0-... different fingers for his arpeggios (+ thumb), otherwise
|-0--------... he wouldn't have been able to produce this triple G.

[A7] [G]

Fourth bridge:
Some little changes occur.

First measure: Second and third measures:

|----0--0--0-----0-----@---| |----0--0--0-----0-----@---|
|---7-7-@--@----7-7---@-@--| |---7-7-@--@@---7-7---@-@--|
|------7@--@---7---7-@---@-| |------7@--@-@-7---7-@---@-|
|-0----s0---0-0-----0------| |-0----s0-----0-----0------|
|--------------------------| |--------------------------|
|--------------------------| |--------------------------|

[Dadd9] [Dmadd9] [Dadd9] [Dm] [Dadd9] [Dmadd9][Dadd9][Dm]

Fourth and last chorus:


[Bm] [Bm/A] [GM7] [Esus2] [E]


|---0-0---0-0-----0--------| Slow down and let ring on F#op.

A7 G F#op

Comments ?

title: too uptight
author: graham coxon
keyD, 3/4
tabbed by Sun Ye

A7 G #Fx

g-----0---0---|-----0---0---|---------0---|---------0---|6 times A part
d---2-------2-|---0-------0-|---------- -4-|-----------4-|

once there was a nothing…


g---7-----7---|-5-----5---5-|---7-------7-|---10----------10-|3 times B part

Everything seemed…

Bm Gmaj7 Ex


too up tight…

Ex E

g-----4-----4-|-----4----0h1|---------1---| C part

play A part;then B part and then C part again
play A part;then B part and then C part again

solo part:

[Am] [C/G] [Fsus2] [E7]



g-----1-----1-|-----1-----1-|2 times

play A part;then B part and then C part again
play A7-G-#Fx-#Fx once and FINALE!

Hi i think this is fairly accurate,
if u have better idea please e-mail

Jikalau teman-teman mau mempelajari lagunya Graham Coxon, termasuk chord gitar Too Uptight, sobat bisa belajar dengan mengikuti kursus, masuk sekolah musik, datengin guru untuk les privat bahkan bisa juga dengan cara belajar sendiri.
Untuk dasarnya teman-teman dapat mempelajari C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Nah setelah menguasai kunci major maka untuk memainkan kunci minor hanya dibutuhkan modif sedikit saja.

Ingatlah untuk selalu berusaha mencoba mainin chord gitar lagu Too Uptight. Pada awalnya mungkin susah, semoga setelah sering memainkan lagu tsb, kedepannya teman-teman dapat memainkan lagu-lagu dari Graham Coxon.

Fyi, di laman ini, teman-teman juga bisa mendapatkan chord lain, misalnya chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dll.

Apabila kamu mau belajar kunci chord gitar lagu lain, silahkan pakai menu search yang tersedia di website ini. Semoga membantu …

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