Chord Gitar Lagu Lights off Oleh Charlie Cunningham

Lagu Lights off yang dibawakan oleh Charlie Cunningham mungkin salah satu lagu favorit kamu. Selain dengerin musiknya, kamu juga bisa memainkan lagu tsb dengan gitar.

Harus diketahui untuk pemula, syarat sukses memainkan sebuah lagu pakai gitar ialah paham kunci chord gitarnya.

Seandainya kamu sedang nyariin kunci chord gitar untuk musik “Lights off”, sobat sudah ada di situs yang sesuai. Dengan kunci chord gitar ini, teman-teman bisa memainkan musik ini pake gitar yang sobat suka.

Chord lagu Lights off mempunyai ritme dan masuk dalam album “”.

Chord Gitar Lights off oleh Charlie Cunningham

Capo: 7

These are the chords, in order of appearance:
F/A or F 5x356x (same as a x03211 but Charlie plays it the other way, makes for better muting, I think)
Em/G or Em 3x045x
Dm/F 1x323x
Am x02210
[F]C/G [133211]332010
G 320033
Fmaj7/A x03210
Dm xx0231

Picking Patterns:
the notes on D string are picked extremely subtle, you’re almost not playing them

Part A:
F Em Dm/F Am (x2)

e --------------------I-------------------I-------------------I-------------------I
B ----6----6---6------I----5---5---5------I----3---3---3------I----1---1---1------I
G ----5----5---5------I----4---4---4------I----2---2---2------I----2---2---2------I
D --------3---3---3---I-------0---0---0---I-------3---3---3---I-------2---2---2---I
A --------------------I-------------------I-------------------I----0--------------I
E ----5---------------I----3--------------I----1--------------I-------------------I

“to say it was a different walk….”
“this one was different….”

Part B
F C/G Dm/F C/G (x2) ( at the end: Am)

e ----1----1---1------I----0---0---0------I-------------------I-------------------I--------------I
B ----1----1---1------I----1---1---1------I----3---3---3------I----1---1---1------I------1-------I
G --------------------I-------------------I----2---2---2------I----0---0---0------I------2-------I
D --------3---3---3---I-------2---2---2---I-------3---3---3---I-------2---2---2---I--------------I
A --------------------I-------------------I-------------------I-------------------I------0-------I
E ----1---------------I----3--------------I----1--------------I----3--------------I--------------I

“they don’t wanna see the light…”
“see I always thought they’d seen you as a” “you learn to love these days”

Here’s the full song:

Part A:

F Em
To say it was a different walk in
a different walk in a different [Dm/F]park is what it was[Am]’
F Em
This one was different’ you could see it when she walked inside’
[Dm/F]It wasn’t as bad as you might have [Am]thought’

Part B:
[F] They don’t want to see the ligh[C/G]t you had get burned away’
[Dm/F] You must have been d[C/G]ifferent that day’
[F] See, I always thought that they’d seen you like [C/G]a charming man’
But you don’t[Dm/F] feed them something then that you[C/G] mean
boy and you learn to lo[Am]ve these days, boy

Part C (Chorus): 2x
She s[C/G]ee what you mean cause she’s seen [G]it’
well, she don’t want t[Fmaj7/A]o know, she’s seen the way y[C]ou go’
Listen, that stuff it’s not[Dm] wrong cause it'[Am]s your song’, so [G]lights off

Part A (no lyrics)
F / Em / Dm/F / Am (2x)

Part B:
[F] They don’t want to see the ligh[C/G]t you had get burned away’
[Dm/F] You must have been d[C/G]ifferent that day’
[F] See, I always thought that they’d seen you like [C/G]a charming man’
But you don’t[Dm/F] feed them something then that you[C/G] mean
boy and you learn to lo[Am]ve these days, boy

Baca juga:  Chord Gitar Lagu Corinna Oleh Taj Mahal

Part C (Chorus): 2x
She s[C/G]ee what you mean cause she’s seen [G]it’
well, she don’t want t[Fmaj7/A]o know, she’s seen the way you?[C]?ll go’
Listen, that stuff it’s not[Dm] wrong cause it'[Am]s your song’, so [G]lights off

Outro (same chords as chorus):

(starts with a little instrumental where you have to screw around with the notes on the high e and B string)
[C/G] [/] [G] [/] [Fmaj7] [/] [C] [/]
[Dm] [/] [Am] [/] [G] [/] [G] [/]

kind of like this:
G then: C/G G F(maj7)/A C // Dm Am G (x2)


The falling s[C/G]tar you s[G]aw that was something common
[Fmaj7] ‘These moments are your life, [C]acknowledge them’
It’s[Dm] easier to fall if you'[Am]re closer to the floor, but that[G]’s all

She’s b[C/G]een there, s[G]een it all’
[Fmaj7/A]That’s not your[C] fault’
It’s[Dm] your song [Am]playing though ‘Lig[G]hts off

Jikalau sobat pengen mempelajari lagunya Charlie Cunningham, termasuk chord gitar Lights off, teman-teman bisa belajar dengan mengikuti kursus, masuk sekolah musik, datengin guru untuk les privat bahkan dapat juga dengan cara otodidak.
Untuk dasarnya kamu bisa belajar C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Nah setelah menguasai kunci major maka untuk menggunakan kunci minor hanya dibutuhkan penyesuaian sedikit saja.

Ingatlah untuk selalu berusaha mencoba memainkan chord gitar lagu Lights off. Pada awalnya mungkin sulit, semoga setelah sering memainkan musik tsb, nanti kamu dapat menguasai semua lagu dari Charlie Cunningham.

Fyi, di situs ini, kamu juga bisa dapetin chord lain, seperti chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dsb.

Seandainya sobat ingin belajar kunci chord gitar lagu lain, silahkan gunakan tombol search yang tersedia di situs ini. Semoga bermanfaat …

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