Chord Gitar Lagu 4:50 AM (Go Fishing) Oleh Roger Waters

Lagu 4:50 AM (Go Fishing) yang dibawakan oleh Roger Waters mungkin salah satu lagu yang disukai sobat. Selain dengerin lagunya, teman-teman juga dapat memainkan lagu tsb menggunakan gitar.

Perlu diketahui untuk pemula, kunci jitu memainkan sebuah lagu dengan gitar ialah paham kunci chord gitarnya.

Apabila sobat lagi mencari kunci chord gitar untuk lagu “4:50 AM (Go Fishing)”, sobat berada di situs yang benar. Dengan kunci chord gitar ini, kamu dapat mainin musik ini pake gitar yang sobat suka.

Chord lagu 4:50 AM (Go Fishing) mempunyai nada dan termasuk kedalam album “The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking (1984)”.

Chord Gitar 4:50 AM (Go Fishing) oleh Roger Waters

Roger Waters – 4.50 AM (Go Fishing)
Added to UG By Mikhailo (

As cars go by I cast my mind’s eye

Over back packs on roof racks

Beyond the horizon

Where dream makers

Working white plastic processors

Invite the unwary
To r[G]each for the pie in the sky
Go fishing my boy![Cm]

[Bsus4] [B] [Cdim] [Bsus4] [B] [Em] [C] [D]
We set[Bsus4] out in the spring
With a trunk full of books about [D]everything
About [Bsus4]solar devices
And how nice natural ch[D]ildbirth is
We [Cdim]cut down some trees

And we trailed our ideals
Through the [Bsus4]forest glade[B]
We [Cdim]dammed up the stream

And the kids cooled their heels
In the [Bsus4]fishing pool we’d made[B]
[Em] We held hands and we[Em/D] exchanged bands
And we pr[C]actically lived off the l[D]and
You a[Bsus4]dopted a fox cub
Whose mother was somebody’s c[D]oat
You[Bsus4] fed him by hand

And then snuggled him down
In the gr[D]andfather bed while I wrote
We [Cdim]grew our own maize
And I only occasionally [Bsus4]went into town
To s[Cdim]tock up on antibiotics
And shells for the s[Bsus4]hotgun that I kept ar[B]ound
I t[Em]old the kids stories while[Em/D] you worked your loom
And the s[C]un went down sooner each d[D]ay.
[G] Chapter six in which Eeyore has a birthday
A[C]nd gets two presents
Daddy.[D][G]me on dad

Eeyore the old grey donkey stood by the side
Of the str[C]eam and he looked at himself in the water
“Pathetic” he said, “Th[D]at’s what it is”
[Bsus4] [B] “Go[D]od morning Eeyore” said Pooh
[Cdim] [Bsus4]”Oh” said Pooh, He thought for a long time[B]

Baca juga:  Chord Gitar Lagu 4:37 AM (Arabs With Knives and West German Skies) Oleh Roger Waters

Then the [Bsus4]leaves all fell down

Our crops all turned brown
It was [D]over
As the [Bsus4]first snowflakes fell
I realized all was not w[D]ell in the camp
The [Cdim]kids caught bronchitis
The space heater ran out of [Bsus4]diesel[B]
One w[Cdim]eekend a friend from the East,
Rot his soul, stole your [Bsus4]heart[B]
I said [Em] “Fuck it then
Take the [Em/D]kids back to town
M[C]aybe I’ll see you ar[D]ound”

[G] [C] [D] [G] [Am7] [G] [C] [G/B]
[Am7] And so…le[G]aving all our hopes and dreams
To the w[C]ind and the [Am7]rain[D]
Taking [G]only our stash
Left our [Am7]litter and tr[G]ash
And s[C]et out on the road again
[G/B] On the [Am7]road ag[G]ain
On the road again[C]
On the r[D]oa[G]d [Em]

Bye Bye Daddy, Bye Daddy
[Em]You can bring Pearl she’s a darn nice girl
But don’t bring Liza

Seandainya kamu kepengen mempelajari lagunya Roger Waters, termasuk chord gitar 4:50 AM (Go Fishing), kamu bisa belajar dengan mengikuti kursus, masuk sekolah musik, ikutan les privat bahkan dapat juga dengan cara belajar sendiri.
Untuk dasarnya teman-teman bisa mempelajari C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Nah setelah bisa menggunakan kunci major maka untuk memainkan kunci minor hanya dibutuhkan modifikasi sedikit saja.

Ingatlah untuk terus berusaha mencoba mainin chord gitar lagu 4:50 AM (Go Fishing). Awal-awal mungkin tidak mudah, diharapkan setelah terbiasa musik tsb, kedepannya sobat dapat memainkan lagu-lagu dari Roger Waters.

Oh ya, di tempat ini, sobat juga bisa dapetin chord lain, misalnya chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dll.

Jikalau kamu kepengen mempelajari kunci chord gitar lagu lain, silahkan klik tombol search yang tersedia di laman ini. Semoga membantu …

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