Chord Gitar Lagu Turning in My Sleep Oleh Prime Circle

Lagu Turning in My Sleep yang dibawakan oleh Prime Circle bisa jadi salah satu lagu favorit sobat. Selain dengerin lagunya, teman-teman juga bisa memainkan lagu tsb dengan gitar.

Perlu dipahami bagi pemula, kunci sukses memainkan sebuah lagu pakai gitar yaitu paham kunci chord gitarnya.

Jika sobat lagi nyariin kunci chord gitar untuk musik “Turning in My Sleep”, kamu berada di laman yang sesuai. Dengan kunci chord gitar ini, kamu dapat memainkan lagu ini pake gitar yang sobat miliki.

Chord lagu Turning in My Sleep memiliki ritme dan termasuk dalam album “Jekyll & Hyde (2010)”.

Chord Gitar Turning in My Sleep oleh Prime Circle

This is my first tab… EVER… so i figured it should be proudly SOUTH AFRICAN seeings
as that’s where i’m from.:)
Any way, i literally fell in love with this song the first time I heard it… and I
couldn’t find any tabs or chords for it at all.

These are the very basic chords for the song so they wont be completely accurate, but
they are pretty close 🙂 enjoy guys!


Tuning : standard.



Prime Circle – Turning in my sleep


Verse 1
Oh, I[A]’ve been waiting he[E]re without the su[D]n.
And f[A]ind that its so ha[E]rd to carry on.[D]
and its gon[A]e gone gone
and its never coming back
to the end[E] of the world
try to stay on track
and its a[D]ll we know
and its all we have
and its p[A]ush and pull
and its back and fourth
and its r[E]ound in circles
taking me to the g[D]round

[D]maybe we can be all we wanna be no[E]w
its up to u[Dsus2]s to [D] try

Cause i don’t wanna [A]be the reason why
i don’t wanna tu[E]rn around this time
i don’t want this grav[D]ity
pulling me
[Dsus2]turning in my sleep
Cause i don’t wann[A]a be the reason why
i don’t wanna tu[E]rn around this time
i don’t want this grav[D]ity
pulling me
[Dsus2]turning in my sleep
[A] [E] aga[D]in

verse 2
it t[A]ook so long to make
it took so [E]fast for it to break
and i’m just s[D]tanding here
just waiting seeing what is that at stake
and i se[A]em to remember thins so different
[E]when back way they were

[D]maybe we can be all we wanna be no[E]w
its up to u[Dsus2]s to [D] try

Cause i don’t wann[A]a be the reason why
i don’t wanna tu[E]rn around this time
i don’t want this grav[D]ity
pulling me
[Dsus2]turning in my sleep
Cause i don’t wann[A]a be the reason why
i don’t wanna tu[E]rn around this time
i don’t want this grav[D]ity
pulling me
[Dsus2]turning in my sleep
[A] [E] aga[D]in

Baca juga:  Chord Gitar Lagu Dạy Anh Cách Quên Em Đi Oleh Khánh Đơn

[A]Maybe i lost persistenc[E]e
maybe i lost my wa[D]y, [Dsus2] oh
[A]something i must live with[E]
live with every[D]day, [Dsus2] oh
[A] [E]turning in my [D]sleep, again(x2)

Cause i don’t wanna [A]be the reason why
i don’t wanna tu[E]rn around this time
i don’t want this grav[D]ity
pulling me
[Dsus2]turning in my sleep
Cause i don’t wann[A]a be the reason why
i don’t wanna tu[E]rn around this time
i don’t want this grav[D]ity
pulling me
[Dsus2]turning in my sleep
Cau[A]se i don’t wanna be the reason why
i don’t wanna tu[E]rn around this time
i don’t want this grav[D]ity
pulling me
[Dsus2]turning in my sleep
Cause i don’t wann[A]a be the reason why
i don’t wanna tu[E]rn around this time
i don’t want this grav[D]ity
pulling me
[Dsus2]turning in my sleep
Cause i don’t wann[A]a be the reason why
i don’t wanna tu[E]rn around this time
i don’t want this grav[D]ity
pulling me
[Dsus2]turning in my sleep
[A] [E] aga[D]in

Outro : A-E-D-A

Email me (Kayla Kapp) @ for any further questions or corrections.

Thats all for now

Kalau sobat kepengen mempelajari lagunya Prime Circle, termasuk chord gitar Turning in My Sleep, sobat dapat belajar dengan melalui kursus, masuk sekolah musik, ikut les privat bahkan bisa juga dengan cara otodidak.
Untuk dasarnya kamu dapat mempelajari C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Nah setelah bisa menggunakan kunci major maka untuk menggunakan kunci minor hanya butuh modif sedikit saja.

Jangan lupa terus berlatih mainin chord gitar lagu Turning in My Sleep. Awal-awal mungkin susah, diharapkan setelah sering memainkan musik tsb, nanti kamu dapat menguasai lagu-lagu dari Prime Circle.

Btw, di situs ini, teman-teman juga bisa dapetin chord lain, misalnya chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dll.

Apabila sobat pingin mempelajari kunci chord gitar lagu lain, silahkan pakai menu pencarian yang tersedia di laman ini. Semoga membantu …

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