Chord Gitar Lagu You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive Oleh Brad Paisley

Lagu You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive yang dibawakan oleh Brad Paisley bisa jadi salah satu lagu yang disukai sobat. Selain menikmati lagunya, kamu juga bisa memainkan lagu tsb menggunakan gitar.

Perlu diketahui untuk pemula, syarat jitu memainkan sebuah lagu dengan gitar yakni paham kunci chord gitarnya.

Jika teman-teman lagi mencari kunci chord gitar untuk musik “You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive”, teman-teman sudah ada di halaman yang tepat. Dengan kunci chord gitar ini, kamu dapat memainkan musik ini pake gitar yang kamu miliki.

Chord lagu You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive punya irama dan masuk dalam album “Part II (2001)”.

Chord Gitar You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive oleh Brad Paisley

Verse 1:
In the d[Dm]eep, dark h[F]ills of e[C]astern Kent[G]ucky
That’s the p[Dm]lace where I tr[F]ace my bloodl[Bb]ine
And it?s t[Bb]here I r[F]ead on a h[C]illside gr[G]avestone
You will n[Bb]ever leave H[A7]arlan al[Dm]ive

Verse 2:
Well my granddad?s dad walked down Katahrins Mountain
And he asked Tillie Helton to be his bride
Said, won?t you walk with me out of the mouth of this holler
Or we?ll never leave Harlan alive

Where the sun comes [F]up about [Bb]ten [C]in the m[F]orning
And the sun g[Dm]oes down about [Bb]three [F]in the [Bb]day
And you fill your c[F]up with whatever b[Bb]itter br[C]ew you?re d[F]rinkin?
And you spend your l[Dm]ife just thinkin? of [Bb]how to get a[Dm]way

Verse 3:
No one ever knew there was coal in them mountains
?Til a man from the Northeast arrived
Waving hundred dollar bills said, I?ll pay you for your minerals
But he never left Harlan alive

[Bb] [A7] [Dm]
Verse 4:
Granny sold out cheap and they moved out west of Pineville
To a farm where big Richland River winds
I bet they danced them a jig, laughed and sang a new song
Who said we?d never leave Harlan alive

Instrumental Break: (same chords as verse)

Verse 5:
But the times they got hard and tobacco wasn?t selling
And ole granddad knew what he?d do to survive
He went and dug for Harlan coal and sent the money back to granny
But he never left Harlan alive

Baca juga:  Chord Gitar Lagu Cut It Out Oleh Kitten

Repeat Chorus (last chord changes from Dm to F)

Last Chorus:
Where the sun comes [F]up about [Bb]ten [C]in the m[F]orning
And the sun g[Dm]oes down about [Bb]three [F]in the [Bb]day
And you fill your c[F]up with whatever b[Bb]itter br[C]ew you?re d[F]rinkin?
And you spend your l[Dm]ife digging coal from the b[Bb]ottom of your g[Dm]rave

Last verse:
Dm (one strum)
In the deep, dark hills of eastern Kentucky
Dm (one strum)
That’s the place where I trace my bloodline
Dm (one strum)
And it?s there I read on a hillside gravestone
Dm (one strum)
You’ll never leave Harlan alive

Apabila sobat kepingin mempelajari lagunya Brad Paisley, termasuk chord gitar You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive, sobat bisa belajar dengan mengikuti kursus, masuk sekolah musik, ikutan les privat bahkan bisa juga dengan cara otodidak.
Untuk dasarnya sobat bisa belajar C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Nah setelah bisa menggunakan kunci major maka untuk menggunakan kunci minor hanya perlu modifikasi sedikit saja.

Ingatlah untuk selalu berlatih mainin chord gitar lagu You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive. Awal-awal mungkin tidak mudah, semoga setelah sering memainkan musik tsb, kedepannya kamu bisa memainkan semua lagu dari Brad Paisley.

Fyi, di halaman ini, sobat juga bisa dapetin chord lain, seperti chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dsb.

Kalau sobat kepengen mempelajari kunci chord gitar lagu lain, silahkan gunakan menu search yang tersedia di tempat ini. Semoga bermanfaat …

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