Chord Gitar Lagu Walk on Water or Drown Oleh Mayday Parade

Lagu Walk on Water or Drown yang dinyanyikan oleh Mayday Parade mungkin salah satu lagu kesukaan kamu. Selain menikmati musiknya, sobat juga dapat memainkan lagu tsb memakai gitar.

Perlu dipahami untuk newbie, syarat utama memainkan sebuah lagu dengan gitar adalah paham kunci chord gitarnya.

Jika kamu lagi mencari kunci chord gitar untuk musik “Walk on Water or Drown”, kamu sudah ada di situs yang benar. Dengan kunci chord gitar ini, sobat bisa memainkan lagu ini menggunakan gitar yang ada.

Chord lagu Walk on Water or Drown memiliki irama dan termasuk kedalam album “A Lesson in Romantics (2007)”.

Chord Gitar Walk on Water or Drown oleh Mayday Parade

[Em] [G] [C] [D]
[Verse 1]

[Em] Well, this hurts me more than I can stand to say
In just one sitting,
[G] You left the room so I coul[D]d pray

[Em] So I’ll pace the halls to see
If I could find a hole in something
[G] Or maybe places to es[D]cape


Oh, but everybody
[C]Knows this [D]is the [Em]part
Of breaking down
In [C]anyb[D]ody’s [Em]arms
I’m reaching down and
[C]Hoping t[D]his one’s o[Em]urs
God,[D] please let this stay

[Chorus 1]
And then I[Em] fell into p[G]ieces
And s[C]he fell into [D]me
Saying, “P[Em]lay me a song.
[G]It’s been too long since I’ve heard
[C] you sing.”[D][C][D][C]

[Verse 2]

[Em] You got here just in time
To let me know I was worth saving
[G] It’s nothing more than
For the h[D]eart
[Em] Too proud to breathe
But I’m too scared to say the things worth saying
[G] Who knew this trip
Would be this h[D]ard?

[Refrain 2]

As I’m looking to the
S[C]ky to c[D]ount the st[Em]ars

I wonder if you
[C]See them w[D]here you [Em]are
I’m down on both my
[C]Knees and p[D]ray tom[Em]orrow brings no p[D]ain

[Chorus 1]
And then I[Em] fell into p[G]ieces
And s[C]he fell into [D]me
Saying, “P[Em]lay me a song.
[G]It’s been too long since I’ve heard
[C] You sing.”[D]

[Chorus 2]
And yeah, [Em]we all fall to p[G]ieces
But at le[C]ast you fell to [D]me
But this is a w[Em]rong night
So t[G]ell me goodnight and let it [C]go[D]

Baca juga:  Chord Gitar Lagu Chảnh Dễ Thương Oleh Hồ Hoài Anh

[C]I stayed here
And [D]you just pray
My h[Em]ead would clear
And I’d stay safe

[C]The pieces left
The l[D]ove had changed
Just [Em]saved everything

[Refrain 1]

Oh, but everybody
[C]Knows this [D]is the [Em]part
Of breaking down
In [C]anyb[D]ody’s [Em]arms
I’m reaching down and
[C]Hoping t[D]his one’s o[Em]urs
God,[D] please let this stay

[Chorus 3]
And then I f[Em]ell into
[G]Pieces and she fell into me
Saying, “[Em]Play me a song.
[Em]It’s been too long since I’ve h[C]eard you sing.[D]”

[Chorus 1]
And then I[Em] fell into p[G]ieces
And s[C]he fell into [D]me
Saying, “P[Em]lay me a song.
[G]It’s been too long since I’ve heard
[C] You sing.”[D]

[Chorus 2]
And yeah, [Em]we all fall to p[G]ieces
But at le[C]ast you fell to [D]me
But this is a w[Em]rong night
So t[G]ell me goodnight and let it [C]go[D]

Apabila kamu ingin belajar lagunya Mayday Parade, termasuk chord gitar Walk on Water or Drown, kamu bisa belajar dengan mengikuti kursus, masuk sekolah musik, ikutan les privat bahkan dapat juga dengan cara belajar sendiri.
Untuk dasarnya kamu bisa mempelajari C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Nah setelah menguasai kunci major maka untuk menggunakan kunci minor hanya dibutuhkan modifikasi sedikit saja.

Jangan lupa terus berlatih mainin chord gitar lagu Walk on Water or Drown. Awal-awal mungkin susah, diharapkan setelah sering memainkan musik tsb, nanti kamu bisa memainkan lagu-lagu dari Mayday Parade.

Fyi, di tempat ini, kamu juga bisa dapetin chord lain, seperti chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dll.

Apabila kamu kepengen belajar kunci chord gitar lagu lain, silahkan pakai tombol pencarian yang ada di situs ini. Semoga bermanfaat …

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