Chord Gitar Lagu C.S. Lewis Song Oleh Brooke Fraser

Lagu C.S. Lewis Song yang dibawakan oleh Brooke Fraser bisa jadi salah satu lagu kesukaan teman-teman. Selain menikmati musiknya, kamu juga bisa memainkan lagu tsb dengan gitar.

Penting dipahami bagi pemula, kunci sukses memainkan sebuah lagu dengan gitar yakni paham kunci chord gitarnya.

Seandainya teman-teman lagi mencari kunci chord gitar untuk lagu “C.S. Lewis Song”, teman-teman sudah ada di situs yang sesuai. Dengan kunci chord gitar ini, kamu dapat mainin lagu ini menggunakan gitar yang tersedia.

Chord lagu C.S. Lewis Song punya irama dan termasuk dalam album “Albertine (2006)”.

Chord Gitar C.S. Lewis Song oleh Brooke Fraser


C.S LEWIS SONG – Brooke Fraser


Tabbed by: Tyler J
Email: full_metal_orange AT hotmail DOT com

Tuning: Standard

Really good song off her album ‘Albertine’
song is quite slow, about 80 bpm

Chords used:
[E] [A] [D] [G] [B] [E]


Am x 0 2 2 1 0
C x 3 2 0 1 0
G 3 2 0 0 0 3
Dm x x 0 2 3 1
Em7 0 2 2 0 3 0
Asus2 x 0 2 2 0 0
Am9 x 0 2 4 1 3


[Am] [C] [G] [Dm] [Am] [C] [G] [Dm]
[Am]Ah___[C]____[G]____[Dm]____ [Am] Ah_[C]____[G]____[Dm]_ If I

Verse 1:

[Dm]If I fi[F]nd in mysel[G]f desir[Am]es nothing in [Em7]this world can[F] satisf[G]y[Asus2]
I can o[F]nly conclud[G]e that [Am]I, I was not m[Em7]ade for here[F]
If the fle[F]sh that I fi[G]ght is at be[Am]st only li[Em7]ght and moment[F]ary[G][Am]
Then of course[F] I’ll feel n[G]ude when t[Am]o where I’m d[Em7]estined I’m c[F]ompare[G]d[Am]

Speak t[Am]o me in the l[C]ight of the da[G]wn
[Dm]Mercy comes with the morni[Am]ng[C][G][Dm]
I w[Am]ill sigh and with a[C]ll creation g[G]roan
as I w[Dm]ait for hope to come f[Am]or me[C][G][Dm]

Verse 2:
Am I l[F]ost or just less f[G]ound?
On the str[Am]aight or on the r[Em7]oundabout of the wro[F]ng way?[G][Am]
Is this a s[F]oul that stirs in [G]me?
Is it b[Am]reaking free, wan[Em7]ting to come [F]ali[G]ve[Am]?

Pre Chorus:
‘Cause my [Dm]comfort would pre[F]fer for me to be [Am9]numb
And a[Dm]void the impending b[F]irth of who I[C] was born to b[G]ecome

Speak t[Am]o me in the l[C]ight of the da[G]wn
[Dm]Mercy comes with the morni[Am]ng[C][G][Dm]
I w[Am]ill sigh and with a[C]ll creation g[G]roan
as I w[Dm]ait for hope to come f[Am]or me[C][G][Dm]

Baca juga:  Chord Gitar Lagu Feather by Feather Oleh Smog

For [C]we, we are not long here[Am]
Our time is but a b[Dm]reath, so we better b[G]reathe it
And [C]I, I was made to l[Am]ive, I was made to lo[Dm]ve, I was made t[G]o know you
[Am] Hop[C]e [G] is c[Dm]oming for me
[Am] Hop[C]e [G] is c[Dm]oming for me
[Am] Hop[C]e [G] is c[Dm]oming for me
[Am] Hop[C]e,[G] He’s c[Dm]oming

Speak t[Am]o me in the l[C]ight of the da[G]wn
[Dm]Mercy comes with the morni[Am]ng[C][G][Dm]
I w[Am]ill sigh and with a[C]ll creation g[G]roan
as I w[Dm]ait for hope to come f[Am]or me [C] [G] for[Dm] me
Fo[Am]r me____[C]_______[G]______[Dm]_______[Am]______[C]_____[G]_____[Dm]__
[Am] Ah____[C]_______[G]______[Dm]______ [Am] Ah___[C]_____[G]_____[Dm]____

Jika kamu ingin belajar lagunya Brooke Fraser, termasuk chord gitar C.S. Lewis Song, kamu bisa belajar dengan melalui kursus, masuk sekolah musik, ikut les privat bahkan dapat juga dengan cara belajar sendiri.
Untuk dasarnya sobat dapat mempelajari C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Nah setelah menguasai kunci major maka untuk memainkan kunci minor hanya butuh penyesuaian sedikit saja.

Jangan lupa terus latihan mainin chord gitar lagu C.S. Lewis Song. Pada awalnya mungkin sulit, diharapkan setelah sering memainkan musik tsb, nanti sobat bisa menaklukan semua lagu dari Brooke Fraser.

Oh ya, di tempat ini, kamu juga bisa dapetin chord lain, seperti chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dsb.

Apabila sobat pingin mempelajari kunci chord gitar lagu lain, silahkan pakai menu search yang tersedia di situs ini. Semoga bermanfaat …

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