Lagu Let Me Wrap My Arms Around You yang dinyanyiin oleh Solomon Burke bisa jadi salah satu lagu yang difavoritkan sobat. Selain menikmati lagunya, teman-teman juga dapat memainkan lagu tsb dengan gitar.
Penting dipahami buat pemula, syarat jitu memainkan sebuah lagu pakai gitar yaitu mengetahui kunci chord gitarnya.
Bila sobat lagi nyariin kunci chord gitar untuk lagu “Let Me Wrap My Arms Around You”, kamu berada di halaman yang sesuai. Dengan kunci chord gitar ini, sobat bisa mainin musik ini menggunakan gitar yang sobat miliki.
Chord lagu Let Me Wrap My Arms Around You mempunyai nada dan termasuk kedalam album “Music To Make Love By (1975)”.
Chord Gitar Let Me Wrap My Arms Around You oleh Solomon Burke
Let Me Wrap My Arms Around You chords
Solomon Burke 1975
Hey, come on baby
Come on don t be, don t be looking like that
I don t want you to be depressed
Or hung up on anything
You see we ve got something going for us
Between our [C]signs
You know and like, I wanna be your everything
I want you to know that you ve got me to depend on
And to [G]lean on
To talk to and to walk with
And if you [D]need somebody to love you baby
Well [C]here I am baby
Come get what I ve [G]got for you.
[G]Let me wrap my arms around you
Honey let me squeeze and [C]hold you tight[D]
Let me give you all the love you need[C]
Lord I wanna give you [G]love tonight
[G]Let me wrap my arms around you baby
Honey let me squeeze and [C]hold you tight[D]
Let me give you what you want[C]
What you really, really [G]need tonight.
[G]Guard this love and show some [C]feeling now
The best love that I ve ever [G]had,
(The best love that I ve ever had)
If we lose this magic feeling that we ve got
[C]Lord I believe it ll drive me [G]mad, mad, mad, mad
[G]I want to you give you what you [C]want baby, baby, baby
Let me squeeze you squeeze and [G]hold you tight
I wanna keep this love all [D]to myself
[C]I don t want you to give it to nobody else, hey, hey, hey
Come here woman, do you com[D]prehendez, maschoist, my smoocho, mucho
And [G]let me wrap my arms around you and [C]hold you tight
[G]Give you all this loving that you [C]need tonight
[D]I m gonna love you honey and [G]love you right
Go on say it again for my friends now honey
[G]Let me wrap my arms around you and [C]hold you tight
[G]Give you all the love that you ever [C]need tonight
Oh [D]honey, gonna love you, and [G]love you right.
[G]You ve been hurt so much you don t understand
That you ve really got your[C]self a good man
[D]I ve been hurt the same way too[C]
But here s one thing girl that we [G]both can do
Forget about the past now honey tell me honey
And [G]let me wrap my arms around you and [C]hold you tight
[D]Oh, let me love you and love you right[C]
Believe it or not honey to[G]night s the night
Oh, let me say it again now baby
[G]let me wrap my arms around you and [C]hold you tight . . .
Apabila kamu ingin mempelajari lagunya Solomon Burke, termasuk chord gitar Let Me Wrap My Arms Around You, teman-teman dapat belajar dengan mengikuti kursus, masuk sekolah musik, ikut les privat bahkan dapat juga dengan cara belajar sendiri.
Untuk dasarnya kamu bisa belajar C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Nah setelah bisa memainkan kunci major maka untuk menggunakan kunci minor hanya butuh modif sedikit saja.
Ingatlah untuk terus berlatih memainkan chord gitar lagu Let Me Wrap My Arms Around You. Pada awalnya mungkin sulit, semoga setelah terbiasa musik tsb, nanti teman-teman dapat menguasai semua lagu dari Solomon Burke.
Fyi, di website ini, kamu juga bisa mendapatkan chord lain, seperti chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dsb.
Kalau teman-teman mau belajar kunci chord gitar lagu lain, silahkan gunakan menu search yang tersedia di tempat ini. Semoga membantu …