Chord Gitar Lagu Freak Oleh Seaway

Lagu Freak yang dinyanyiin oleh Seaway mungkin salah satu lagu favorit kamu. Selain menikmati musiknya, sobat juga dapat memainkan lagu tsb menggunakan gitar.

Perlu diketahui bagi para pemula, kunci sukses memainkan sebuah lagu dengan gitar yakni paham kunci chord gitarnya.

Jika teman-teman lagi nyariin kunci chord gitar untuk musik “Freak”, teman-teman berada di tempat yang pas. Dengan kunci chord gitar ini, kamu dapat mainin musik ini pake gitar yang tersedia.

Chord lagu Freak punya irama dan termasuk dalam album “Colour Blind (2015)”.

Chord Gitar Freak oleh Seaway

– Intro Riff:

Ab|—————-5————–| 3x
Ab|–5————-5————–| 1x

– Intro:

[D] [A/C#] [G]
[D] [A/C#] [G]
[D] [A/C#] [G]
[A/C#] [G] [D] [A]

– Verse:

[D]Maybe I’m not the one who tries
[D]Living in a typical life, a typical lie
[D]Maybe I’m not losing my mind
[D]I could be the one that lasts this time

– Pre Chorus:

And I [A/C#]swear [D] [B] it happened in Portland[A/C#][D][G]

It came to me
[A/C#]fk w[D]hat [B]you think is impor[A]tant[B][A/C#]

– Chorus:

[D]Maybe I’m a freak and [A/C#]nobod[D]y knows my name
And n[A/C#]obody[D] knows gets that strange to me [A/C#]is or[D]dinary[A/C#][D]
[B]So m[A]aybe I’m a fr[D]eak

But you freak you me
[D] [A/C#] (you fr[G]eak me out)
[D] [A/C#] (you fr[G]eak me out)

– Verse:
[D] I love the feeling when I sleep at night
[D]Distractions running through my mind
But still s[D]ometimes I need a place where I can feel alright

I hope that I can last this time

– Pre Chorus:

And I s[B]wear it happened in Portland
[A] [G]Your nightmares came to me witho[A]ut warning[B][A/C#]

– Chorus:

So M[D]aybe I’m a freak and n[A/C#]obody[D] knows my name
And n[A/C#]obody[D] knows gets that strange to me [A/C#]is or[D]dinary[A/C#][D][B][A]
Maybe I’m a fr[D]eak and n[A/C#]obody[D] knows my name
And n[A/C#]obody[D] knows gets that strange to me [A/C#]is or[D]dinary[A/C#][D]
[B]So m[A]aybe I’m a fr[D]eak
But y[B]ou f[A/C#]reak you me

– Bridge:

So tell me w[G]hy it’s so o[B]ut of t[A]he question [D]to [A]be o[B]ne o[A]f a k[G]ind
[B]To [A]be [D] [A] s[B]om[A]eone you l[G]ike
There’s so m[B]uch m[A]ore to me t[D]han co[A]uld ever m[B]eet y[A]our e[D]yes

Baca juga:  Chord Gitar Lagu Airhead Oleh Seaway

– Chorus:

Ab|—————-5————–| 3x
Ab|–5—————————-| 1x

(Play riff)
So maybe I’m a freak and nobody knows my name
And nobody knows gets that strange to me is ordinary

So M[D]aybe I’m a freak and n[A/C#]obody[D] knows my name
And n[A/C#]obody[D] knows gets that strange to me [A/C#]is or[D]dinary[A/C#][D]
[B]So m[A]aybe I’m a fr[D]eak
But y[B]ou f[A/C#]reak you me
[D] [A/C#] (you fr[G]eak me out)
[D] [A/C#] (you fr[G]eak me out)
[D] [A/C#] (you fr[G]eak me out)
[A/C#] [G] M[D]aybe I[A]’m a fr[D]eak
Maybe I’m a fr[D]eak
So maybe I’m a fr[D]eak
But y[B]ou f[A/C#]reak you me o[D]ut

– Riff

Ab|—————-5————–| 4x

Bila sobat mau belajar lagunya Seaway, termasuk chord gitar Freak, teman-teman bisa belajar dengan mengikuti kursus, masuk sekolah musik, datengin guru untuk les privat bahkan bisa juga dengan cara otodidak.
Untuk dasarnya teman-teman bisa mempelajari C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Nah setelah paham kunci major maka untuk memainkan kunci minor hanya dibutuhkan modifikasi sedikit saja.

Ingatlah untuk terus berusaha mencoba mainin chord gitar lagu Freak. Pada awalnya mungkin sulit, diharapkan setelah terbiasa musik tsb, kedepannya kamu dapat memainkan lagu-lagu dari Seaway.

Oh ya, di laman ini, sobat juga bisa mendapatkan chord lain, seperti chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dsb.

Kalau kamu ingin mempelajari kunci chord gitar lagu lain, silahkan klik menu search yang ada di laman ini. Semoga membantu …

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