Lagu Trying to Get the Feeling Again yang dibawakan oleh Barry Manilow bisa jadi salah satu lagu favorit sobat. Selain menikmati musiknya, sobat juga bisa memainkan lagu tsb pakai gitar.
Penting dipahami buat pemula, kunci jitu memainkan sebuah lagu dengan gitar yakni tahu kunci chord gitarnya.
Jika kamu lagi mencari kunci chord gitar untuk musik “Trying to Get the Feeling Again”, teman-teman berada di website yang tepat. Dengan kunci chord gitar ini, teman-teman bisa memainkan musik ini pake gitar yang teman-teman suka.
Chord lagu Trying to Get the Feeling Again mempunyai ritme dan masuk dalam album “Manilow Magic”.
Chord Gitar Trying to Get the Feeling Again oleh Barry Manilow
Dedicate ko nga pla kang Ms. Bea Fajardo.. From Malaybalay..
Tabbed by: Ric Tobias
Intro: G – Bm – Em – A – D
[Em]At any mo[Bm]ments s[C]he’ll be walki[F#m]ng through that [Bm]door
But she [Em]won’t find me behind [A]it
[Em] [Bm] [C] [F#m]
C[Bm]ause the feeling is gone and just won’t come back anymore
[Em]I worked so hard to[Am] find [D]it
I’ve been [G]up, [Bm]down, [C]trying to get the [D]feeling aga[G]in
All ar[Bm]ound tr[C]yin’ to get the[F#m] feeling ag[Bm]ain
The [Em]one that m[Am]ade me shiver
[Bm]Makes my knees [C]start to quiver every [Am]time she walks [D]in
I’ve look [G]high,[Bm] low, [C]everywhere I p[D]ossibly c[G]an
But there’s[Bm] just no[C] tryin’ to get the [F#m]feeling ag[Bm]ain
[Em]It seemed to d[Am]isappear as fast as it c[D]ame
Read every [Em]book, l[Bm]ooked for [C]every medi[D]tation and p[G]oem
Just to bring[Bm] home that old [C]sweet sensation[D]
But it ain[C]’t no use to me to tr[D]y to get the feeli[C]ng again[D]
InsTrumental: (G-Bm-C-D)
[Em] [Bm] [C] [F#m]
Where did[Bm] it run to I thought I’d done all that I could
Just to keep[Em] the love light burnin'[A]
[Em] [Bm] [C]
But whate[Bm]ver I’ve done I just haven’t done it too good
[Em]Coz all that’s left is yearn[Am]in'[D]
[G] [Bm] [C]
I’ve been[G] up, down, trying to get the feeling again
All arou[Bm]nd tryi[C]n’ to get the feeling a[F#m]gain[Bm]
[Em] [Am] [Em]
Could you help me [Am]redisco[D]ver the way to re-be her lover once again
[Em] [Bm] [C]
Read every book, [G]looked for every meditation and poem
Just to bring[Bm] home that old [C]sweet sensation[D]
But it ain[C]’t no use to me to tr[D]y to get the feeli[C]ng again[D]
I want to get th[C]at feeling[D] again
Last Verse: (G-Bm-C-D)
I’ve been up, down, tryin’ to get the feeling… (3x)
I’ve been… tryin’ to get the feelin’ again
Jika sobat kepengen mempelajari lagunya Barry Manilow, termasuk chord gitar Trying to Get the Feeling Again, sobat bisa belajar dengan mengikuti kursus, masuk sekolah musik, ikutan les privat bahkan bisa juga dengan cara otodidak.
Untuk dasarnya kamu dapat mempelajari C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Nah setelah menguasai kunci major maka untuk memainkan kunci minor hanya butuh modif sedikit saja.
Jangan lupa selalu berusaha mencoba mainin chord gitar lagu Trying to Get the Feeling Again. Pada awalnya mungkin susah, semoga setelah terbiasa lagu tsb, nanti teman-teman dapat menguasai semua lagu dari Barry Manilow.
Oh ya, di situs ini, kamu juga bisa mendapatkan chord lain, misalnya chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dll.
Jika kamu mau belajar kunci chord gitar lagu lain, silahkan klik tombol search yang tersedia di laman ini. Semoga membantu …