Chord Gitar Lagu Night Feelings Oleh Man Overboard

Lagu Night Feelings yang dinyanyikan oleh Man Overboard bisa jadi salah satu lagu favorit sobat. Selain dengerin musiknya, sobat juga bisa memainkan lagu tsb pakai gitar.

Harus diketahui untuk newbie, syarat jitu memainkan sebuah lagu pakai gitar yaitu mengetahui kunci chord gitarnya.

Kalau sobat lagi nyariin kunci chord gitar untuk musik “Night Feelings”, teman-teman berada di tempat yang pas. Dengan kunci chord gitar ini, kamu bisa memainkan musik ini menggunakan gitar yang tersedia.

Chord lagu Night Feelings memiliki nada dan masuk kedalam album “Man Overboard (2011)”.

Chord Gitar Night Feelings oleh Man Overboard

B C# Ebm B C# Ebm(hold)

Verse 1:
[B] He sees them [C#]both
every[Ebm]day now[C#][Ebm][Ebm][C#][Ebm]
[B] He watched the
s[C#]tory un[Ebm]fold[C#][Ebm]
[C#]In [Ebm]the [B]grass
under[C#]neath the trees
[Ebm] inside a red SUV
[B] two silhou[C#]ettes and
no second [Ebm]guessing

Refrain 1:
[B] [F#] [C#] [Ebm] Is someone
trying to [B]test [F#]me?
he [C#]thought to him[Ebm]self
[B]Once upon a time
I was an innocent
little [C#]kid and I
[Ebm]felt like I knew
[B]everything now
everything is
a[C#]gainst me[Ebm]

Chorus 1:
[F#] Just raise your
guard and say keep
your heart [B]You can’t
get burned if you
put out the spark
I feel [Ebm]I just cant
win let myself down
again[B] Just raise
your guard and say
keep your heart

Verse 2:
[B] Those five [C#]weeks
felt like for[Ebm]ever[C#][Ebm][Ebm]
He [C#]wai[Ebm]ted [B]this whole
time to [C#]see her a[Ebm]gain[C#][Ebm][Ebm]
[C#]and [Ebm]Of [B]course wouldn’t
[C#]you know[Ebm] this happened
two summers a[B]go she
showed up [C#]with her
cool new [Ebm]boyfriend?
Show up motherfker

Refrain 2:
[B] [F#] [C#] [Ebm] It’s starting
to an[B]noy [F#]him
he [C#]thought to him[Ebm]self
[B]Once upon a time
I was an innocent
little [C#]kid and I
[Ebm]felt like I knew
[B]everything now
everything is
a[C#]gainst me[Ebm]

Chorus 2:
[F#] Just raise your
guard and say keep
your heart [B]You can’t
get burned if you
put out the spark
I feel [Ebm]I just cant
win let myself down
again[B] Just raise
your guard and say
keep your heart

So I said it s[Ebm]traight
But she’ll never [C#]know
If we [F#]doubt today
You have me at hel[B]lo
I swear I [Ebm]love you
I know I’ve [C#]thrown
that world around
But I [F#]mean it
Well fk I
fking [B]mean it
[F#]Raise your guard
Raise your guard
Say keep your [B]heart[C#]
And [Ebm]I can’t win
[B]I can’t win

Baca juga:  Chord Gitar Lagu Real Talk Oleh Man Overboard

Chorus 3:
[F#] You need your space
again It’s not the
right time or place
again you [B]lied right
to my face again in
your basement we were
wasted I [Ebm]always try
to talk at the worst
times you dated many
boys I’m the worst
kind But [B]Every word
I write it the worst
line so if I hurt
her feelings
she hurt mine

[Ebm]Raise your guard
Raise your [C#/F]guard
safekeep your heart
[F#] You can’t get
burned if you put
out the spark
[Ebm]Raise your guard
Raise your [C#/F]guard
safekeep your heart
You can’t get
burned if you put
out the spark

Seandainya teman-teman pingin belajar lagunya Man Overboard, termasuk chord gitar Night Feelings, sobat bisa belajar dengan melalui kursus, masuk sekolah musik, ikut les privat bahkan bisa juga dengan cara belajar sendiri.
Untuk dasarnya teman-teman dapat belajar C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Nah setelah bisa memainkan kunci major maka untuk memainkan kunci minor hanya dibutuhkan modif sedikit saja.

Ingatlah untuk selalu berlatih mainin chord gitar lagu Night Feelings. Awal-awal mungkin sulit, diharapkan setelah sering memainkan musik tsb, nanti sobat bisa menaklukan semua lagu dari Man Overboard.

Fyi, di tempat ini, teman-teman juga bisa dapetin chord lain, seperti chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dsb.

Bila kamu mau belajar kunci chord gitar lagu lain, silahkan gunakan tombol pencarian yang ada di website ini. Semoga bermanfaat …

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