Chord Gitar Lagu How Sweet It Is Oleh James Taylor

Lagu How Sweet It Is yang dinyanyiin oleh James Taylor mungkin salah satu lagu yang difavoritkan kamu. Selain dengerin musiknya, kamu juga bisa memainkan lagu tsb menggunakan gitar.

Penting dipahami buat para pemula, kunci jitu memainkan sebuah lagu pakai gitar ialah mengetahui kunci chord gitarnya.

Jikalau kamu lagi nyariin kunci chord gitar untuk musik “How Sweet It Is”, kamu berada di website yang tepat. Dengan kunci chord gitar ini, sobat dapat memainkan musik ini menggunakan gitar yang teman-teman suka.

Chord lagu How Sweet It Is memiliki irama dan termasuk dalam album “Other Songs”.

Chord Gitar How Sweet It Is oleh James Taylor

#How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)
#(Holland, Dozier, Holland) 1964
#Performed by James Taylor
#[C] [Am] [D7] [G] [G7]
How sweet it is to be loved by you
[C] [Am] [D7] [G] [C7]
How sweet it is to be loved by you

[G] [Em] [D] [C7]
I needed the shelter of someone’s arms and there you were
[G] [Em] [D] [C7]
I needed someone to understand my ups and downs
and there you were
[G] [C7] [G] [C7]
With sweet love and devotion
deeply touching my emotion
[G] [C7]
I want to stop and thank you baby
I just want to stop and thank you baby

[C] [Am] [D7] [G] [G7]
How sweet it is to be loved by you
[C] [Am] [D7] [G] [C7]
How sweet it is to be loved by you

[G] [Em] [D] [C7]
I close my eyes at night,
wondering where would I be without you in my life
[G] [Em] [D] [C7]
Everything I did was just a bore,
everywhere I went it seems I’d been there before
[G] [C7] [G] [C7]
But you brightened up for me all of my days
With a love so sweet in so many ways
[G] [C7]
I want to stop and thank you baby
I want to stop and thank you baby

Baca juga:  Chord Gitar Lagu Little Honda Oleh The Beach Boys

[C] [Am] [D7] [G] [G7]
How sweet it is to be loved by you
[C] [Am] [D7] [G] [C7]
How sweet it is to be loved by you

[G] [C7]
You were better for me than I was for myself
[G] [C7]
For me, there’s you and there ain’t nobody else
[G] [C7]
I want to stop and thank you baby
I just want to stop and thank you baby

[C] [Am] [D7] [G] [G7]
How sweet it is to be loved by you
[C] [Am] [D7] [G] [C7]
How sweet it is to be loved by you

Seandainya teman-teman pingin belajar lagunya James Taylor, termasuk chord gitar How Sweet It Is, teman-teman bisa belajar dengan mengikuti kursus, masuk sekolah musik, ikut les privat bahkan dapat juga dengan cara otodidak.
Untuk dasarnya sobat dapat mempelajari C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Nah setelah bisa memainkan kunci major maka untuk menggunakan kunci minor hanya perlu penyesuaian sedikit saja.

Jangan lupa selalu berusaha mencoba mainin chord gitar lagu How Sweet It Is. Pada awalnya mungkin sulit, diharapkan setelah terbiasa lagu tsb, nanti teman-teman dapat menaklukan lagu-lagu dari James Taylor.

Oh ya, di halaman ini, kamu juga bisa mendapatkan chord lain, seperti chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dsb.

Kalau teman-teman kepingin belajar kunci chord gitar lagu lain, silahkan klik menu search yang tersedia di laman ini. Semoga membantu …

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