Chord Gitar Lagu The Everclear Song Oleh Roger Creager

Lagu The Everclear Song yang dibawakan oleh Roger Creager bisa jadi salah satu lagu yang difavoritkan teman-teman. Selain menikmati musiknya, teman-teman juga bisa memainkan lagu tsb dengan gitar.

Penting diketahui untuk para pemula, syarat utama memainkan sebuah lagu pakai gitar ialah paham kunci chord gitarnya.

Kalau teman-teman lagi mencari kunci chord gitar untuk lagu “The Everclear Song”, kamu berada di laman yang sesuai. Dengan kunci chord gitar ini, sobat bisa mainin lagu ini pake gitar yang sobat suka.

Chord lagu The Everclear Song memiliki irama dan termasuk dalam album “Having Fun All Wrong (1998)”.

Chord Gitar The Everclear Song oleh Roger Creager

Ever[G]yday at lunch in highschool and a[D]ll my senior year
I drank my coca-cola, with a t[Cadd9]ouch of everclea[G]r
I never had to study math, s[D]cience or history
I’d have a chemical flashback to [Cadd9]jog my memor[G]y
[G]My junior year I swore I loved sw[D]eat miss Sherry Anne
One night I put some everclear in her [Cadd9]Dr. Pepper c[G]an
I t[Cadd9]hought it make her easy but she t[G]ook it pretty hard
D(ring) Cadd6(let ring)
I took her home and rang her doorbell left her layin in

the yard

(Chorus below)
[Cadd9]Tequila dries me [G]out, and b[Cadd9]eer just makes me f[G]at
[D]Whiskey makes me naucious tell me w[Cadd9]ho the hell needs th[G]at
if your thinkin about drinkin well the [D]answers crystal clear
Cadd9(one quick strum)
its the invisible intoxicant, its called everlear

(Play intro riff 1x)

[G]I remember my church picnic, in the [D]spring of ’89
Yeah they had four fresh watermelons [Cadd9]sliced right off the
Everyone bowed their heads givin g[D]race to the food
Hey I pulled out my bottle, and i s[Cadd9]oaked them melons g[G]ood
They never knew what hit ‘em, when the p[D]otion went to work
We had grandmas doin backflips, grandpas l[Cadd9]ookin up their
They were [Cadd9]singin halleluja and W[G]illie Nelson songs
D(let ring)
Preacher said it was the best dang picnic that the
Cadd9(let ring)
Baptists have ever thrown

Baca juga:  Chord Gitar Lagu Cape Town Blues Oleh Will and the People

(Play intro riff 1x)

[G]When I’m drinkin everclear I think I’m [D]king of this whole

I’m bigger and badder than John Wayne and [Cadd9]cooler than Steve
Untill I wake up and I’m [D]faced down in the hall
Hey I’m completely naked for a [Cadd9]reason I can’t r[G]ecall
Well I’m kinda sorta thinkin, that m[D]aybe I met a chick
‘Cause there’s perfume in the air and there’s l[Cadd9]ipstick on
my n[G]eck
Well I [Cadd9]hope that she was pretty and I h[G]ope that she was kind
D(let ring) Cadd9(let ring)
enough to leave my clothes somewere they’re easy to find


(Play intro as Outro)
(End on G)


Jika kamu ingin mempelajari lagunya Roger Creager, termasuk chord gitar The Everclear Song, teman-teman bisa belajar dengan melalui kursus, masuk sekolah musik, ikutan les privat bahkan dapat juga dengan cara belajar sendiri.
Untuk dasarnya kamu bisa belajar C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Nah setelah bisa memainkan kunci major maka untuk memainkan kunci minor hanya dibutuhkan penyesuaian sedikit saja.

Jangan lupa terus berlatih memainkan chord gitar lagu The Everclear Song. Awal-awal mungkin susah, semoga setelah terbiasa lagu tsb, nanti sobat bisa menaklukan lagu-lagu dari Roger Creager.

Btw, di tempat ini, kamu juga bisa dapetin chord lain, misalnya chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dll.

Jikalau teman-teman kepengen mempelajari kunci chord gitar lagu lain, silahkan gunakan tombol search yang ada di halaman ini. Semoga bermanfaat …

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