Chord Gitar Lagu Big Money Oleh Garth Brooks

Lagu Big Money yang dinyanyikan oleh Garth Brooks bisa jadi salah satu lagu favorit sobat. Selain menikmati musiknya, kamu juga dapat memainkan lagu tsb pakai gitar.

Harus dipahami buat para pemula, syarat jitu memainkan sebuah lagu pakai gitar yakni paham kunci chord gitarnya.

Kalau kamu lagi mencari kunci chord gitar untuk musik “Big Money”, kamu berada di situs yang tepat. Dengan kunci chord gitar ini, teman-teman bisa memainkan musik ini pake gitar yang ada.

Chord lagu Big Money memiliki nada dan masuk dalam album “Scarecrow (2001)”.

Chord Gitar Big Money oleh Garth Brooks

To be found on the CD : Scarecrow
Written By Shawn Camp, Randy Hardison and Wynn Varble

Transcription by
Comments welcome

Use Capo on 1’st fret!

Intro : | – – – G_F#_F | E – – G_F#_F | E – – G_F#_F |

Verse 1 :

My [E]older brother Tommy, was a l[A]ineman rest his so[E]ul
His j[A]ob was hanging hot w[E]ires, on them h[B]igh-line power po[E]les
Every m[A]orning bright and e[E]arly, he’d climb w[A]ay up in the s[E]ky
And I n[A]ever understo[E]od it, so one [B]day I asked him [E]why

Refrain :

He said it p[A]ays big m[E]oney, and [A]man I’m into t[E]hat
It p[A]ays big mo[E]ney, if you’re w[B]illing to take a ch[E]ance
Let me t[A]ell you something, so[E]nny, you ought to [A]see my bank acc[E]ount
A E B | E – – G_F#_F | E – – G_F#_F |
It pays big money, but he sure can’t spend it now

Verse 2 :

Well, [E]my late Uncle Charlie, was this [A]demolition h[E]ound
He’d tr[A]avel across the co[E]untry, blowin b[B]uildings to the gr[E]ound
He c[A]arried a case of dyn[E]amite seemed, e[A]verywhere he w[E]ent
And he sm[A]oked them big long c[E]igars and he’d w[B]ink at you and g[E]rin

Refrain :

And said it p[A]ays big m[E]oney, and [A]man I’m into t[E]hat
It p[A]ays big mo[E]ney, if you’re w[B]illing to take a ch[E]ance
Let me t[A]ell you something, so[E]nny, you ought to [A]see my bank acc[E]ount
It p[A]ays big mo[E]ney, but he s[B]ure can’t spend it n[E]ow

Solo : | A – – – | E – – – | A – – – | E – – – |
| A – – – | E – – – | B – – – | E! slow |

Bridge :

Well now the m[A7]oral of this st[E7]ory boys, is don’t go g[A7]etting yourself k[E7]illed
Be k[A7]ind to your rich re[E7]latives, they just might p[B7]ut you in their [(]wi[E]ll[)]

Baca juga:  Chord Gitar Lagu Bên nhau thật khó Oleh Thanh Hưng

Refrain :

And that p[A]ays big m[E]oney, yeah and [A]we’re I’m into[E] that
And that p[A]ays big mo[E]ney, and big m[B]oney is where it’s [E]at
Let me t[A]ell you something, so[E]nny, you ought to [A]see my bank acc[E]ount
It p[A]ays big mo[E]ney, and we’re r[B]olling in it n[E]ow

Refrain :

It p[A]ays big m[E]oney,[A] having foolish k[E]in
It p[A]ays big mo[E]ney, guess I o[B]we it all to t[E]hem
Let me s[A]how you something, so[E]nny, take a l[A]ook at this bank a[E]ccount
It p[A]ays big mo[E]ney, let’s go sp[B]end some of it n[E]ow

Outro : | A – – – | E – – – | A – – – | E – – – |
| A – – – | E – – – | B – – – | E – – – |

Repeat three times and then fade out

Additional Tabs :

e |———————————|————0——–0———–|
b |———————————|——/h\——0—————–|
g |—————————4-3-2-|-1—-0-1———1——–4-3-2-|
D |—————————5-4-3-|-2————————-5-4-3-|
A |—————————5-4-3-|-2————————-5-4-3-|
E |———————————|———————————|

G_F#_F E G_F#_F


Jika sobat kepingin belajar lagunya Garth Brooks, termasuk chord gitar Big Money, kamu bisa belajar dengan melalui kursus, masuk sekolah musik, ikut les privat bahkan dapat juga dengan cara otodidak.
Untuk dasarnya teman-teman dapat belajar C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Nah setelah paham kunci major maka untuk menggunakan kunci minor hanya perlu modif sedikit saja.

Ingatlah untuk terus latihan mainin chord gitar lagu Big Money. Awal-awal mungkin sulit, diharapkan setelah terbiasa musik tsb, kedepannya teman-teman dapat menaklukan lagu-lagu dari Garth Brooks.

Fyi, di situs ini, kamu juga bisa mendapatkan chord lain, seperti chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dll.

Apabila kamu kepengen mempelajari kunci chord gitar lagu lain, silahkan gunakan tombol pencarian yang tersedia di website ini. Semoga bermanfaat …

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