Chord Gitar Lagu 680 South Oleh The Story So Far

Lagu 680 South yang dibawakan oleh The Story So Far bisa jadi salah satu lagu favorit teman-teman. Selain dengerin musiknya, kamu juga bisa memainkan lagu tsb menggunakan gitar.

Perlu diketahui untuk pemula, kunci jitu memainkan sebuah lagu pakai gitar ialah tahu kunci chord gitarnya.

Kalau kamu lagi mencari kunci chord gitar untuk musik “680 South”, teman-teman sudah ada di halaman yang benar. Dengan kunci chord gitar ini, kamu bisa memainkan lagu ini menggunakan gitar yang teman-teman suka.

Chord lagu 680 South memiliki nada dan termasuk kedalam album “Other Songs”.

Chord Gitar 680 South oleh The Story So Far

Capo: None
Tuning: Standard or Drop D

E:|—–| Em:|—–| Bm:|-1—| A:|—–| D:|-2—| G:|–3–| C:|—–|
|—–| |—–| |-12–| |-3—| |–3–| |—–| |1—-|
|1—-| |—–| |-1-3-| |-2—| |-1—| |—–| |—–|
|-3—| |-1—| |-1-4-| |-1—| |—–| |—–| |-2—|
|-2—| |-2—| |-1—| |—–| |-x—| |-1—| |–3–|
|—–| |—–| |-x—| |-x—| |-x—| |–2–| |x—-|


[E] My [Bm]thoughts are [A]my doc[D]tor’s [G]excuse for medicine
But [Bm]I fin[D]d it h[A]ealthy to [D]get [G]lost inside my head
And come back [D]with all that I can [A]find[D]
And [G]write it down on light blue lines
It’s far more useful than rea[A]ding [D]the Contra Costa [G]Times

(each note here is about three quick strums, some have one up strum in it)
[E] [D] [G] [D] [E] [A] [G] [Bm] [A] [G] [D] [A] [G] [D]

[G]Fifty-[Bm]Five up YV road, Encina on my left
All you tried and failed to do was [Em]justify your [Bm]theft
And I get that you’re bere[A]ft of [D]other things to [G]occupy yourself
But keep my [Bm]goddamn [A]name out [D]of your mouth (you’re [G]just a shade of gray)

And all I want i[D]s forward progress
And [G]maybe next year I’ll miss your face [A]but right now its [F#m]still [Bm]worth[A]less.[G]
Wasted time, mostly mine[D] its not my [A]fking fault
[G]So get lost and find your way home
(get lost and find [Bm]your [G]way home)
Get lost and find your way h[Bm]ome!

Baca juga:  Chord Gitar Lagu Wir sind die Champignons Oleh J.B.O.

[D]Leave my [A]mind alone so I [Bm]can rate and [A]number my thoughts [G]1 2 3
On a list [E]that [Em]weighs and [A]measures my p[D]rior[A]it[D]ies
It goes 1-friends [A]2-bands [G]3-that green two-tone van
And[Bm] losing [A]my money it’s [D]not about mone[G]y

Cuz all I want is for[D]ward [A]pro[D]gress
And [G]maybe next year I’ll miss your face but [A]right now its still [Bm]worthless.[G]
Wasted time, mostly mine[D] its not my [A]fking fault
[G]So get lost and find your way home. (Get lost and find your way home.)
Get lost and find your [A]way h[Em]ome.

[A] [G] [A]
[G] And all I got was a [D]blan[G]k [D]star[A]e[D]
[G]Right between [D]the eye[G]s like I wasn’t [A]there[G]
[D]And a[A]ll I [G]got was[D] a [G]blank star[A]e[C]
Right [G]be[D]tween the eyes like I w[G]as[D]n’t [A]there[D][A][G]

Apabila sobat kepengen mempelajari lagunya The Story So Far, termasuk chord gitar 680 South, sobat dapat belajar dengan mengikuti kursus, masuk sekolah musik, datengin guru untuk les privat bahkan bisa juga dengan cara otodidak.
Untuk dasarnya kamu bisa mempelajari C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Nah setelah paham kunci major maka untuk memainkan kunci minor hanya diperlukan modifikasi sedikit saja.

Jangan lupa terus berlatih memainkan chord gitar lagu 680 South. Pada awalnya mungkin tidak mudah, semoga setelah terbiasa lagu tsb, nanti sobat bisa memainkan semua lagu dari The Story So Far.

Btw, di halaman ini, kamu juga bisa dapetin chord lain, seperti chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dll.

Kalau teman-teman ingin mempelajari kunci chord gitar lagu lain, silahkan klik tombol search yang tersedia di situs ini. Semoga membantu …

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