Chord Gitar Lagu Epistle To Derroll Oleh Donovan

Lagu Epistle To Derroll yang dibawakan oleh Donovan mungkin salah satu lagu favorit sobat. Selain dengerin lagunya, kamu juga bisa memainkan lagu tsb pakai gitar.

Harus dipahami buat newbie, syarat utama memainkan sebuah lagu dengan gitar yakni paham kunci chord gitarnya.

Kalau kamu lagi mencari kunci chord gitar untuk lagu “Epistle To Derroll”, teman-teman berada di situs yang benar. Dengan kunci chord gitar ini, teman-teman bisa memainkan musik ini menggunakan gitar yang sobat miliki.

Chord lagu Epistle To Derroll memiliki irama dan termasuk dalam album “Other Songs”.

Chord Gitar Epistle To Derroll oleh Donovan



from ‘A Gift from a Flower to a Garden’ (1968)


(Original Key: Eb)

(N.B The C and C/G chord are played in this rhythm):

[C] [C/G]



C C/G,
C C/G C C/G,
[F] [C] [C/G] [C] [C/G]
Verse 1:

Come [C]all ye [C/G]starry [C]star-[C/G]fish,
Living [F]in the deep blue [C]sea.[C/G][C][C/G]
[C] Crawl to [C/G]me;
I [C]have a [C/G]propo-[F]sition to make [C]thee.[C/G][C][C/G]
[C] Would you [C/G]walk the [C]North Sea [C/G]floor,
To [F]Belgium from Eng-[C]land?[C/G][C][C/G]

Chorus 1:

[C] Bring me [C/G]word of a [Am]banjo man,
With a [F]tattoo on his [C]hand.[C/G][C][C/G]

Verse 2:

The [C]spokesman [C/G]of the [C]star-[C/G]fish,
[F] Spoke as spokesman [C]should.[C/G][C][C/G]
[C] “If’n you [C/G]met our [C]fee [C/G]then,
[F] Certainly we [C]would.[C/G][C][C/G]
[C] If you [C/G]cast a [C]looking-[C/G]glass,
U-[F]pon the scallopped [C]sand;[C/G][C][C/G]

Chorus 2:

[C] You’ll have [C/G]word o’ this [Am]banjo man,
With a [F]tattoo on his [C]hand”.[C/G][C][C/G]

Verse 3:

Come [C]all ye [C/G]starry [C]star-[C/G]fish,
I [F]know your ways are [C]caped.[C/G][C][C/G]
[C] Maybe [C/G]its be-[C]cause you’re,
[C/G] Astro-[F]logically [C]shaped.[C/G][C][C/G]
[C] Converse [C/G]with the [C]herring [C/G]shoals,
[F] As I know you [C]can,[C/G][C][C/G]

Chorus 3:

[C] Bring me [C/G]word o’ the [Am]banjo man,
With a [F]tattoo on his [C]hand.[C/G][C][C/G]

Verse 4:

The [C]eldest [C/G]of the [C]star-[C/G]fish,
[F] Spoke, after a [C]sigh;[C/G][C][C/G]
[C] “Youthfull [C/G]as you [C]are young [C/G]man,
You [F]have a ‘Wisdom [C]Eye’;[C/G][C][C/G]
[C] Surely [C/G]you must [C]know a [C/G]looking-glass,
[F] Is made from [C]sand?[C/G][C][C/G]

Chorus 4:

[C] These young-[C/G]fish are [Am]fooling you,
A-[F]bout this banjo [C]man.”[C/G][C][C/G]

Verse 5:

[C] “Come then [C/G]aged [C]star-[C/G]fish,
[F] Riddle me no [C]more.[C/G][C][C/G]
[C] For news [C/G]I am [C]wea-[C/G]ry,
[F] And my heart is [C]sore;[C/G][C][C/G]
All [C]on the [C/G]silent [C]sea-[C/G]shore,
[F] Help me if you [C]can,[C/G][C][C/G]

Chorus 5:

[C] Tell to [C/G]me, [Am]if you know,
[F] Of this banjo [C]man.”[C/G][C][C/G]

Verse 6:

“All [C]through the [C/G]seven [C]o-[C/G]ceans,
I [F]am a star most [C]famed.[C/G][C][C/G]
[C] Many ‘[C/G]leggys’ [C]have I [C/G]lost,
And [F]many have I [C]gained.[C/G][C][C/G]
[C] Strange to [C/G]say, quite [C]recent-[C/G]ly,
I’ve [F]been to Fleming [C]Land,[C/G][C][C/G]

Chorus 6:

[C] And if [C/G]you are [Am]courteous,
I’ll [F]tell you all I [C]can.”[C/G][C][C/G]

Baca juga:  Chord Gitar Lagu Rock and Roll All Nite Oleh KISS

Verse 7:

“You [C]have my [C/G]full at-[C]ten-[C/G]tion”,
I [F]answered him with [C]glee,[C/G][C][C/G]
His [C]brother [C/G]stars were [C]twink-[C/G]ling,
In the [F]sky above the [C]sea.[C/G][C][C/G]
[C] So [C/G]I sat [C]there with [C/G]rapt,
At-[F]tention, on the [C]sand,[C/G][C][C/G]

Chorus 7:

[C] Very [C/G]anxious [Am]for to hear,
[F] Of the banjo [C]man.[C/G][C][C/G]

Verse 8:

[C] “I have [C/G]seen this [C]tattooed [C/G]hand,
[F] Through a ship port-[C]hole.[C/G][C][C/G]
[C] Steaming [C/G]on the [C]watery [C/G]main,
[F] Through the waves so [C]cold.[C/G][C][C/G]
[C] Heard his [C/G]tinkling [C]banjo,
[C/G] And [F]his voice so [C]grand.[C/G][C][C/G]

Chorus 8:

But [C]you must [C/G]come to [Am]Belgium,
To [F]shake his tattooed [C]hand.”[C/G][C][C/G]

Verse 9:

[C] “Gladly [C/G]would I [C]come,
[C/G] Oh, [F]gladly would I [C]go.[C/G][C][C/G]
[C] Had I [C/G]not my [C]work to [C/G]do,
[F] And my face to [C]show.[C/G][C][C/G]
[C] I re-[C/G]joice to [C]know he’s [C/G]well,
But [F]I must go in-[C]land,[C/G][C][C/G]

Chorus 9:

[C] Thank you [C/G]for the [Am]words you brought,
[F] Of the banjo [C]man.”[C/G][C][C/G]

Verse 10:

I [C]walked a-[C/G]long the [C]evening [C/G]sand,
As [F]charcoal clouds did [C]shift.[C/G][C][C/G]
Re-[C]vealing [C/G]the [C]moon [C]shi-[C/G]ning,
[F] On the pebble [C]drift.[C/G][C][C/G]
Contem-[C]plating [C/G]every [C]other [C/G]word,
[F] The starfish [C]said;[C/G][C][C/G]

Chorus 10:

[C] Whistly [C/G]winds, they [Am]filled my dreams,
[F] In my dreaming [C]bed.[C/G][C][C/G]



[C] [C/G] [F] [Am]
[EADGBE]x32010 [EADGBE]332010 [EADGBE]133211 [EADGBE]x02210

Tabbed by Joel from cLuMsY, Bristol, England, 2006
([email protected])

Kalau kamu ingin mempelajari lagunya Donovan, termasuk chord gitar Epistle To Derroll, kamu bisa belajar dengan mengikuti kursus, masuk sekolah musik, ikut les privat bahkan bisa juga dengan cara belajar sendiri.
Untuk dasarnya teman-teman bisa belajar C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Nah setelah menguasai kunci major maka untuk menggunakan kunci minor hanya dibutuhkan penyesuaian sedikit saja.

Ingatlah untuk selalu berlatih mainin chord gitar lagu Epistle To Derroll. Pada awalnya mungkin sulit, diharapkan setelah sering memainkan musik tsb, nanti sobat dapat menaklukan lagu-lagu dari Donovan.

Fyi, di halaman ini, sobat juga bisa mendapatkan chord lain, seperti chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dll.

Jikalau teman-teman kepengen mempelajari kunci chord gitar lagu lain, silahkan klik tombol pencarian yang ada di laman ini. Semoga bermanfaat …

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